It was a busy week around our office. We handled a total of 65 calls for service. That’s a high number, but the vast majority were minor calls that didn’t involve a criminal incident. We had 11 calls for suspicious people, assisted motorist 5 times, responded to 5 alarms and well you get the picture. In regard to traffic stops our officers conducted 38 of them. Those stops resulted in 28 motorist being given citations and 10 receiving either written or verbal warnings.
Property crimes started off early last week on Monday with the report of a theft on N. Prairie St. A white pickup took off with an air compressor, an aluminum ladder and a non-working (broken) push mower from the front of a residence. I love it when people steal something that is broken, I feel a sense of peace and calmness come over me. A short time later a person visiting a Creek St. resident reported the theft of a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. The owner had started the car and left it running, it appears a white male on a bicycle took advantage of the situation and took off in the car. His bicycle was found at the corner of Bruce and the IH-35 Access Rd. The vehicle was later recovered in San Antonio and sadly it had been “stripped.” On Friday morning, Capt. Reyes took a report of a lock cut off a gate on Wisdom Rd. at the city limits. Security cameras captured the event, it appears the crooks departed when they realized the residence had cameras everywhere. The vehicle was a white Ford F250 four door with oversized tires.
I get a lot of questions about the operating of golf carts on city streets. Well folks, as it stands right now their use on public roadways is not permitted in the City of Lytle. There are some options for the city to enact an ordinance which would allow their use if they meet certain requirements. If you feel like this is something the city should address, then I suggest you march on down to city hall and get placed on the agenda for the next city council meeting (Monday, August 13). We here at the PD wouldn’t have any opposition to it, but for now we have to enforce the law as it stands. You can visit it is a good source for the current laws, search under off-highway vehicles.
I couldn’t do this job without the support of my wife and kiddos. My wife often reads my weekly reports, usually after a friend of hers comments about it. So, in response to a text my wife got last week she replied that I have “Complete disregard for the rules of grammar & punctuation” and as a bonus she threw in something about spelling. Okay it’s true, heck my high school English teacher still lives here in town and I think she “cringes” when we pass on the road.