4-day week debate

Speakers voiced concerns on both sides of the Devine 4-day week debate.

By Anton Riecher and Kayleen Holder
A decision on whether Devine ISD will move to a four-day school week remains in limbo after the big school board meeting Dec. 4.  Citizens, staff, and school board spoke on both sides of the important issue.
Trustees Chris Davis, Carl Brown and Henry Moreno voted in favor of the four-day week with Davis making the motion. Renee Frieda, Keri James and Ali Buvinghausen opposed the measure.
All eyes focused on board president Nancy Pepper when the stalemate became apparent. Pepper said she had strong feelings on both sides of the fence, and chose to abstain from voting for the change.
“I feel I need to abstain since it’s a split vote,” Pepper said…

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