On Saturday, January 13, at 9:30 a.m. the Current Events Club will be at Devine Evergreen and Saint Joseph Catholic cemeteries to pick up and dispose of the wreaths that were placed on veterans’ graves at the Wreaths Across America wreath-laying Ceremony held on December 16.
This Saturday is officially called “wreath retirement”. The clean-up day is another way to involve your families and friends in the mission of Wreaths Across America, and we hope you can join us.
If you have a pick-up truck, please bring it to transport more than 600 wreaths to the disposal location. You must be an adult to transport wreaths for the disposal.
We will gather at two basic areas of the cemeteries: 1) the road that runs between Saint Joseph Catholic Cemetery (Allman Cemetery Lane) and 2) at Gutierrez Lane, where we held our WAA ceremony.
Helpful tips:
The clean-up is easier with gloves! The wreaths have residual sap on them and are also dried and sticky. Gloves will help protect your hands.
We suggest you also wear long sleeves as well.
Bring a broomstick or something similar to string wreaths on to help in transporting to the trucks. You’ll be able to carry multiple wreaths and disposal will go faster.
Students and Sponsors:
If you are a student volunteering for service hours, BE SURE TO SIGN IN.
Ask for Linda Kreinhop or Barbara Moore. (Look for someone with a clipboard). We will sign a form if you bring one.
For more information, contact Linda Kreinhop at 713-562-7504 or Barbara Moore at 210-863-7607. Thank you for support Wreaths Across America and The Current Events Club!