VFW Post 3966 of Devine will have a patriotic float in the Natalia Bluebonnet Festival Parade on Saturday, April 6, 2024. Our Post is looking for veterans to fill the float. We will have about 15 seats available to fill. You do not have to be a Post member. All veterans are welcome.
We will be decorating the float at 5:30 pm on Friday, April 5th at our Post located at 211 W. College Ave. in Devine. If you would like to help, come on by at this time.
On Saturday, April 6th we will meet at 9:00 am at Love’s Truck Stop on FM 471 in Natalia. The floats will be positioned for the parade on the northeast side of FM 471 (the right side going from Love’s Truck Stop into Natalia) from 9-10:00 am. Judging will start at 9:45 am. FM 471 will be closed to traffic at 10:00 am. The parade starts at 11:00 am.
Uniform of the day will be patriotic shirts/hat, service-related shirts/jackets or regular street clothes. Contact Gary at 210-289-6204 for more information.
Our monthly San Antonio Food Bank distribution on April 1st served nearly 100 families. We would like to thank the 23 volunteers who came out to repackage and pass out the food. We could not do it without you.
Every Thursday, everyone is welcome to attend Bingo at the Post Hall. Charitable Bingo is how our Post earns money to donate to youth organizations, provide scholarships, support other charitable organizations and help needy individuals. Attendance has been picking up and if that continues, we will be able to increase the jackpots. On May 2, 2024 we will have a $1,000 pull tab jack pot.
If you would like to try Bingo, we open our doors at 4:30 pm every Thursday. Bingo starts at 7:00pm. Tables are first come, first serve. Food and drinks are available. Bingo is a great social event, so grab some friends and come out early to get a table, get some food and enjoy a great evening.
If you need to hold an event, the Bingo Hall is available for rent. Rent is $450 per night ($350 for Post members). Contact Dennis at ph. 210-404-3267 to make a reservation.
Another great way to spend an evening is at the Post Canteen. The Post Canteen pays our bills and is open to the public. It is open from Wednesday to Saturday from 6:00pm-2:00am. Wednesday there is a dart league, Thursday there is a pool league, some Fridays have a dart tournament and Saturday is a pool tournament with 10 ball break. Most Saturdays have a DJ.
This year as in the past, our Post will have a flag retirement and memorial ceremony on Memorial Day, May 27, 2024. We will have more information on this in the weeks before the ceremony. If you know of a veteran who has passed away, this would be a great way to honor them.