USGA report to be presented at Devine City Council meeting August 21

The Devine Golf Course is under renovation so the doors are closed currently as the City of Devine is making some minor repairs, renovations to the club house, maintaining the greens and seeking advice from professionals on the golf course and its financial and physical needs. A report from a representative of the US Golf Association will be presented to the city council at the August 21st public meeting from the man hired to access the needs of the grounds and the state of the golf course.
“It isn’t as bad as I was told it was,” is a comment the representative from the US Golf Association told city employees. “A consultant from the US Golf Association was hired to look over the golf course and give us advice on what the greens needed, the state of it and how to get it back into shape,” said Denise Duffy, City Accountant in a conversation with me and City Administrator Dora Rodriguez. “We will have a full report to present at the August 21st meeting! He did mention it was a very beautiful golf course with lots of beautiful trees and that if he ever had to work on one, this is the kind he would love to work with. So we are encouraged after hearing what he had to say so far. Overall it is looking better. He did suggest some easy fixes and some more complicated fixes and our staff has been working on both.”
Rob Flores is in charge of overseeing the city crew and the greens. They are also mowing, cleaning up around the course area, have done some cleaning and minor repairs in the clubhouse, taking out tree limbs, and doing some aeration. “After the recent rains this past weekend they were able to do some of the aeration required of the greens,” said Rodriguez. “It’s going well so far and we are encouraged by what we are hearing.”
The City of Devine took over the operations of the 18-hole Devine Golf Course on July 31, 2018 after leasing it from the Devine Golf Association which was folding financially. The Association opened the doors to the original 9-hole golf course business on October 19, 1968, after a year of construction. In September of 1989, the Association completed work on the second nine holes, making it then an 18-hole golf course.
By K.K. Calame