Devine PD was contacted in regards to two suspicious men who approached a female woman in the Walmart parking lot in Devine this past May 7 around 2 in the afternoon. The two men who were driving a black Audi SUV with out of state plates, pulled up right against the woman’s driver’s side door as she was putting the shopping cart up.
“With the traffic on I-35, we want to remind everyone to be extra aware of your surroundings especially in that area day and night. Don’t hesitate to call us if you see anything suspicious,” said Devine PD Lieutenant Chris Andrews.
We spoke to the local resident who shared her story with us, hoping to make others more aware.
“I came out of Walmart, and put my groceries in the trunk. Then I went to put the shopping cart back, and that’s when two men pulled up out of nowhere. I heard someone behind me say ‘Hey is that one of those cars that drives itself?’ and that’s when I had noticed they had pulled right up in line with my driver’s side door, so I had to walk between their vehicle and mine to get in. There was no one even close to me when I had loaded the groceries, so they had to have been watching me from a distance and just pulled up so quickly.”
The two men who were in a Black Audi SUV (a smaller crossover style SUV) were described as a thin, white male, with a goate wearing a tank top, and a heavy-set African American male.
“The man with a goate was just trying to talk to me non-stop, being very chatty. It scared the heck out of me, and I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. Once I got in the vehicle, I floored it all the way home. I noticed that they had out-of-state plates, and I looked back at one point and thought I saw a vehicle that looked like theirs. I really felt like they were going to follow me home.
“Of course, I was parked in the very back of the parking lot, and the way they drove up and positioned themselves and kept trying to chat with me was really bazaar. My first thought was that they were trying to use one of those credit card readers to get the code to my car because it’s one of those keyless entry push button vehicles. I know that is one of their tactics to get up real close to you and distract you by talking to you or acting like they are playing with their phone, but their phone actually has one of those skimmers in it. That’s something that’s actually happened to me before at Walmart. I was checking out and someone else used their credit card skimmer on my cards, trying check out and buy a TV while I was also at Walmart. Thankfully the credit card company had flagged it, and called me. I told them ‘yes I was at Walmart but I didn’t buy a TV.’
“In retrospect, I know I should have just walked right back into the store and called for help, and that’s what I hope anyone will do if they find themselves in a situation like this. I have contacted several of my friends to warn them and had this talk with all of my kids since this incident. Be very aware, and if something seems that off–just go back in the store. And also keep the RFID Blockers on the credit cards in your wallet. It’s scary what people can do these days.”
We hope this will serve as a reminder to be aware of surroundings when getting in and out of your vehicle in parking lots, especially in a large parking lot located right off of I-35, a major cross-country corridor stretching from Laredo, Texas, at the Mexican-American border, all the way to Minnesota.
Save these numbers, so you have them when you need them….Medina County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency line 830-741-6153 or Devine PD 830-663-4403.
Two suspicious men approach woman in Walmart parking lot