Precinct #4 Constable T.J. Richardson submitted a request to hear his resignation on March 9, 2017. The item and letter were part of the Commissioner’s Court regular meeting agenda on Monday, March 13, 2017. The Commissioners are now faced with finding a replacement to fill the position in the coming weeks.
The letter stated as follows: “To the Honorable Judge Chris Schuchart, I would respectfully request an item to be placed on the Commissioner’s Court agenda for the next available date for the court to hear my request for resignation of the position of Constable of Precinct 4 of Medina County. I would explain the nature of my request and ask that my last date of service as Constable be April 7, 2017. Respectfully, Thomas J. Richardson, Constable.”
Richardson told the Court he had 36 years of law enforcement experience, five of which were serving in Medina County.
He stated, “I’m tired and angry. We arrest the bad people, take them to jail and the next day they are out.” Richardson added he had a health scare last year that he attributes to the stress. He wanted to resign at that time but because he was on the election ballot he was advised by the county election official it would be better to wait until after the election versus trying to get his name removed and another on the ballot.
He described a case in which a person was involved in two stolen vehicles and burglaries of homes, having several arrests, but is not behind bars. “This guy has 16 felonies, seven of which are felony convictions. One case involved a possible murder. We could not find the body where it was supposedly buried.” “This guy has been released on a PR (personal recognizance) Bond (after each arrest).”
He stated he could name seven other people with similar cases. “The people I started chasing on day one or the same people I’m chasing five years later.”
Richardson stated he is not pointing the finger at the District Attorney. “I’m not sure where the problem is. You could build a bigger jail but it would be filled in one year. What we really need is a backhoe.”
He added he was late for court proceedings because a concerned citizen from Natalia flagged him down to inquire about a burglary case involving his home and business. “[Name withheld] has video surveillance of his home being robbed. Nothing has been done.”
Richardson shared he works closely with the Sheriff’s Office and he feels that entity is frustrated as well. “We are not serving our people. The best work I can give them is not worth the paper it is written on.”
One of his final statements was, “If we don’t do something – they[criminals] already operate with impunity- they are going to carry us away.”
He stated he would be willing to make a recommendation for his replacement.
Judge Schuchart stated, “We all share your concerns.” He also thanked Richardson for his service.
A motion was passed accepting the resignation. Richardson was encouraged to send a recommendation for his replacement. The item of appointment of a replacement will be on the next agenda.
Public Hearing
Only one person spoke during the public hearing; he was neither for, nor against the changes. The following items were up for discussion during the hearing: Reduce Speed limit on the following:
CR 271 (500 feet in both directions of Mico VFD) Pct. 1 (fire chief concerned and requested change)
CR 4514 (from CR 4642 to 4100 Block of 4514) Pct. 1
CR 5216 (at its west intersection of HWY 90 then East for 1.6 miles) Pct.3
Of the above the following changes were made:
Item tabled until a TxDOT recommended traffic study can be conducted. Without study necessitating change, enforcement and prosecution of violators would be difficult.
Limit set at 45 m.p.h
Limit set at 35 m.p.h
Racial Profiling Report
The racial profiling report for Precinct #2 Constable Jim Przybyiski was accepted as submitted.
Of the 314 traffic stops initiated, 259 citations were written and 55 warnings. 190 Caucasian, 11 African-American, 110 Hispanic, 1 Asian.
Bid from Argo Equipment was rejected due to price mistake on tractor with boom shredder. Bid was awarded to Alamo Industrial the lowest bidder. A Time Warrant for the bid price of $120,811.00 was issued. The warrant shall be payable to Castroville State Bank in four annual principal payments of $30,202.75 plus interest as calculates at a rate of 3.05% per annum. The payment will come from Precinct #1 funds.
A second time warrant also with Castroville State Bank was issued for the purchase of a Massey Ferguson Tractor also for Precinct #1. The warrant was in the sum of $81,221.00 payable over four annual payments that will come from Precinct #1 funds.
Broker Service Fee
Commissioners approved an agreement for broker service fees with Crystal and Company a licensed insurance broker. The service fee is set at $45,000 annually and will be offset by any commissions the company collects from any insurance companies selected by Crystal and Company. The County will only be responsible for paying whatever is left of the service fee after the commissions are collected.
Two Closed Pod Memorandums of Understanding were approved between Medina County and Chapa Residential Care Home and Texas Department of Transportation. In the case of biological terrorism these two entities will be given enough medication to treat their employees and family members. The locales of these entities are set as emergency dispensing sites in the case of an act of biological terrorism.
Newly assigned Private Roads
Precinct 1 Private Roads- 530,4324,3514,4324.
Precinct #2 Private Roads- 3602,3733, 4705,4706, 4707, 4708, 4709, 4851,4716.
Precinct #3 Private Roads- 4218, 6681.
A freezer from the health unit and office from furniture from the storage were declared salvage and authorized for disposal.
DHS Contract
Contract for regional local services, public health grant was approved for the Health Unit.
By Trina Williams