Hello from all of us here at Lytle PD. A “quick view” of our activity reveals we issued 71 Class C citations and had 54 calls for service.
Property crimes reported this past week numbered 4. The biggest crime of the week involved a theft from H.E.B. On Tuesday a male and female made off with a HD TV, blue tooth speaker and a Kodi cooler (Total value of $685). We have them captured on video. Lo and behold they showed up again on Friday night. I was working patrol and stopped in about 9PM for a bottle of their fresh squeezed orange juice and there they were in the store. They are easy to spot, she is a petite Anglo with bright pink hair and he is a tall Anglo with tattoo of a face on his left triceps. I knew I wanted to detain and identify them so I called for Captain Reyes and Ofc. Diaz to assist me, Chief Deputy Langley from Medina Co. happened to also be at H.E.B. He joined our game of “hide and seek” as we tried to corner the two crooks, but it was not meant to be. They somehow slipped out the produce door on us. In the first theft attempt they were driving an older gray Suburban, on the second it was possibly a Ford Expedition. If you think you know who these TV bandits are please contact us. The other crimes reported included a stolen wallet / cell phone from H.E.B., a room at the Days Inn was “trashed” and a shoplifter at H.E.B. was released without charges but he was given a criminal trespass notice.
The most interesting call of the week was the report of two juveniles who were riding their bicycles to Laredo. Sgt. Hanson stopped the 16 year old male and a 15 year old female who admitted they were running away from home in San Antonio. Both were listed as missing run-a-ways. They were detained and released to their guardians. They might have made it through Lytle but they asked the clerk at Valero for directions to Laredo and she wisely called us. They said it took them most of the night to get here, they are awful lucky they made it this far without being hit by a car. I thought about running away when I was a kid but I never could get past the “not having food and a place to sleep” issue.
Our arrests included the fellow who took off running from the officer the week before, we had several warrants on him and he turned himself in. He is facing two misdemeanor and one felony charge. Other than that we issued two citations for a couple of young men fighting at Bill Miller’s BBQ, I believe it was over some girl. They will both probably remember getting the ticket long after they have forgotten the girl’s name.
Officers also conducted two emergency detentions for mental health evaluations. A juvenile female was transported by Ofc. Diaz to Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital and Lt. Dear transported an adult male to Southwest General Hospital.
Congratulations to Ofc. David Lopez, he got married last Saturday. His wedding wasn’t until 2:30 in the afternoon and he wanted off the whole day, that’s this new generation for you. We wish him the very best. He has two bosses now, me at work and his wife at home.