Welcome to the Bigfoot Wallace Museum! On Oct 13, from 9:00 am till noon, we are having “Spooktacular” activities for the kids.
There will be delicious baked goods for sale. Also for sale will be the following books: “Texas Rising,” “Adventures of Bigfoot Wallace,” “Mier Men,” and “Bigfoot Wallace” (a children’s book), along with our museum cookbook “Recipe and Remembrances.”
New to our book sales: “A Taste of History” (a cookbook from the Frio Pioneer Jail Museum) and “From Rattlesnakes to Road Agents – Rough Times on the Frio.”
In addition, we have available for sale our museum T-shirts, caps, note pads and post cards, as well as bumper stickers and other items.
We look forward to seeing you. So bring the family and come out and join us. Thank you for your help in supporting our museum. Hope to see you all soon.