Local artist and author, Gerry Gabeheart, has completed her third book and the second book in the Pot Licker series.
All three books will be available for sale during the Devine Fall Festival on November 4th.
“The stories are geared toward children and young adults and for anyone and everyone who loves animals,” Gabeheart said.
“I try to have a positive message in all my stories about kindness, love and accepting everyone into your life who may have a difference in their own lives.
“My Jumping Fish Contest book is also a coloring book that the kids can color as they read. They have f ish, frogs, turtles, birds and dinosaurs to color. In this story a frog teaches how positive thinking can help a young fish win a jumping fish contest that is held each year in Swampy Bottom Texas.
“Pot Licker, a five star award winner on Amazon, is the story about how a puppy is thrown into a local dumpster because he had a physical difference.
“Found by a gentle kind man Jet Black, he is taken home and after a bath Jet finds he and Pot Licker have the same physical differences.
“Life on the little farm and for the farm animals will never be the same after the arrival of Pot Licker. You will meet Whisker the cat, Princess Red the beta fish, Drumsticks the rooster, The Girls which are the hens and Millie the goat.
“My second book in the Pot Licker series is how this little dog saves the city of Budwinnville, Texas.
“Not many people can boost they have a city hero dog.
“These make excellent gifts for birthday, Christmas and just plain good reading for the young and for us all.
“Looking forward to meeting and greeting you at the Festival. Books may be purchased then or from Amazon.
“My third Pot Licker book will be about new farm animals being brought into the family and these friends are totally opposite of the farm friends they befriend. One saves the life of Jet. Hope to have it out by the first of the year.
“All pictures are original and drawn by me and characters in the story are fiction as is the town.
“Happy Reading to ALL.”