Communication is the key to keeping the people of Medina County well informed and involved with upcoming events related to Relay For Life 2019, so a “Community Engagement” Role has been added to the leadership committees. A representative will be chosen from Devine, Castroville, and Hondo to fill these roles so volunteers are being sought.
“We are searching for someone from Castroville, Hondo and Devine to volunteer for a “Community Engagement” role. It is a Leadership Role at the Relay Committee level. We have someone from the Hondo area that has accepted the position and has agreed to do her best to keep Hondo up to date with 2020 Relay for Life news. So now we’re looking for a volunteer from the other 2 major areas to join us”, said Patricia Sanchez Hargrove, Relay For Life Medina County Chairman.
Expected from these individuals, as Community Engagement Reps” would be to attend our Relay committee meetings (1 each month) and blast Relay info to their town. Post flyers, meet with school district authorities to help engage the school teams and meet & greet local business for sponsorship and team registrations.
The next meeting is Wednesday, October 16th at 6pm at Sammy’s Restaurant in Castroville and the committee would LOVE for someone to come to the meeting and volunteer for these two roles, as well as any other leadership role or team captain.
Currently, we have 7 people signed up for the committee to help the 2020 Relay a huge success. WE are looking for MORE!!!!
For local question call Pat Sanchez at 210-557-8422.