Been hotter’n…dang, it started raining. Thanks for helping the Preachers out with a few extra prayers. So far, we have registered round 1.5 inches of rain out near Black Creek and, as always, could use more.
We approved having some painting done to the inside of the Extension office and the paneling in the Tax Assessor/Collectors office along with a buncha vacating and replatting stuff. (Who in the heck paints paneling?)
Then we had a discussion on the POSSIBLE purchase of the TxDOT property on 173 here in Devine to be used as a Central Shop for the County. This would provide us with a facility to store and maintain a supply of tires, tubes and batteries and the parts necessary to perform minor mechanical repairs and maintenance to County vehicles. Also, the location could be used as a Precinct yard with ample office space for several satellite County offices and storage for road construction materials.
There are above ground fuel storage tanks, heated oil tanks and other amenities that would compliment an operation like ours. The septic system recycles the water and uses it on the grounds as irrigation. I think the City should look into recycling their sewer effluent but, not my business. The only drawback I see is that there is not an on-site well and (drum roll)…’s not in Hondo.
This is square one….we need to start somewhere. We would need to have the property surveyed and appraised before any other action. The cost of this would be reimbursed by the State. The whole thing may not be feasible and we could drop it as fast as we started the process. The current site for our Pct 4 yard would be sold and our operations would be moved there IF this goes through. Lotta what ifs are involved. But, you gotta start somewhere.
I am meeting with the School on Tuesday and the City on Wednesday to get approval to move forward with paving Warhorse Dr. from SH 173 past the Football field to Colonial Pkwy. The only cost to the School and the City would be the cost of materials. We would do the work and provide the equipment. For the folks who might not agree with the County doing this, last time I looked, City folks pay County taxes too. There is a need and if we can help, we are going to do it. This is a highly travelled and damaged area in need of repair that’s only gonna get busier when school starts.
We have an Interlocal Agreement in place with the City but, not the School. The City has drafted one to be presented to Commissioners Court on the 19th that includes them both. I spoke with Judge Schuchart about this and he has no problem signing the Agreement. The window to get this done is closing fast but, I believe we can get it done before school starts.
We will again encounter those who believe that there is no other route to their destination other than the road that we will be working on and how dare we close it. Take another road and live with the inconvenience for a couple weeks. The job is easier to complete when unencumbered. (How you like that word Brenda Langley?)
Our little red-headed baby girl Willie Jo agreed to marry some hairy legged, knuckle draggin drool factory the other day so, she and Sandy will be busy preparing for that day. I’m gonna stay outta the way and dodge flying objects and not offer any suggestions. My only job is to dance with her at her wedding and I’m looking forward to that. Ehhh…guess Matt’s ok….if she likes him, I do too. By the way Murdock, only 167 days till Christmas (26 days Willie)….Keep praying for rain but not while we’re paving Warhorse Dr….