Another school year is coming to a close and another Graduation is looming for parents who thought this day would never get here. Surprise! Now we get to see which of the students can make it in the real world….those with their comfort pets, purple hair, faces buried in their cell phones and their liberal arts majors or….the ones who took Vocational Agriculture and FCCLA classes and spent their summers working part time (I’m gonna bet on this group).
Looks like we may experience a few delays in our paving efforts out on CR 664. Seems BMA is going to replace a couple of culverts before we can start. This will allow us to make sure that we can make the roadway as wide as needed (without narrow points at the BMA canal crossings). But, we will be finished in a shorter period of time than the work on 173. Anticipate paving to begin the week of May 13th…maybe sooner. Rain may set it back a little too.
Several County employees were recognized for their service from 10-30 years during the break in the meeting. I think they missed one…
Commissioners approved the creation of the Medina County ESD Alliance consisting of all Emergency Service Districts in the County in order to promote up to date methods, information and interaction to insure the best service available for your tax dollars. I would assume that these meetings will be public so….if you hear of one in your area and are interested in their function, go sit through a meeting. No telling what you’ll learn.
According to our Auditor, Medina County is ahead of this time last year in the Cash On Hand column by over $2,810,000. As you can see, our Department Heads have paid close attention to their budgets and have not squandered their allotted funds while providing the services expected by the people paying the taxes. We don’t have a “spend it all or we’ll get less next year” attitude.
As a result of our collective fiscal responsibility, we will be able to apply some of the surplus to our Courthouse Annex and Jail Expansion projects without asking the public for more. (Pretty good English ain’t it Mrs. Langley?)
Would like to thank the Great Oaks Homeowners Association for their efforts in organizing a trash pick-up last week. HOA President Frank Garza and his Road Captain/Enforcer Jada Pittman, Donna Vezie and others spent a Saturday collecting trash to ensure that we didn’t shred the big pieces into little pieces. Wish more areas were this active. There were only a scalawag or two what included their household trash in the mix. Always one or two…
Still got room in the trailer for old tires and you ain’t gotta wait til Saturday to bring them to the yard. Call Gracie and she will make sure someone is there to help you put them where they belong. May 4th is coming up fast..go vote in your City Elections and School Elections. Don’t let a handful decide for the whole area…take somebody with you. Include rain and John Southwell in your prayers…he gots the dreaded Shingles.