A pancake breakfast benefit will be hosted at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Devine on Sunday, May 26 from 8:00 am- 12:30 pm. The meal includes pancakes, sausage, orange juice, and coffee. Ticket donations are $6.00. The sale will be in the St. Joseph’s Church Hall at 108 S. Washington Dr., Devine, Texas.
Please come out and support Teen ACTS!
All money raised will go to the cost of hosting the a Teen ACTS retreat and potential scholarships for our future retreatants for the upcoming Teens ACTS retreat taking place July 18- 21. You can purchase pre-sale tickets or purchase pancake meals the day of the event.
Senior Mass
St. Joseph’s will be having their high school senior graduation mass Sunday, May 26 as well, at 9:30 am Mass, stop by the hall afterwards for the Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser, seniors eat free!