Here is the latest “snapshot” of Lytle Police activity from last week: Officers handled 46 service calls and conducted 38 traffic stops. But it doesn’t stop there, for those that like the details I’ll include that of those 38 stops 23 were issued citations and 15 were given warnings. In comparison I dug up more stickers out of my yard in one day than the LPD had calls and traffic stops for the whole week. I don’t even want to compare my mosquito numbers…..
Capt. Reyes was working the overnight shift and he ended up with arrests on Friday and Saturday. Friday was a public intoxication arrest and Saturday he made a possession of marijuana arrest. He didn’t have to battle the arrestee but he did have to battle the rain while taking the first guy to jail. He was able to reroute around some closed roads and made it safely to Jourdanton. The only other “arrest” activity was when Lt. Dear and I handled a disorderly conduct incident at John Lott Park, a husband and wife were cited and released.
We didn’t have any serious crimes reported but we must have a bicycle thief on the loose out there. A Mesquite St. resident reported her 3-wheel bicycle as missing. It was located just a short distance away at the Lytle Fire Station on Main St. It appears the thief took her bike, realized it had a flat and then “traded” it in on a bicycle at the fire station. This was about 1 in the morning and to top it off there were even firefighters at the station when it happened. We were told the bike he took had a flat too! Now that is bad luck, steal two bikes and both have flats, well I guess that is a sign you need to find a new business plan for your career in crime. We also had the owner of an abandoned residence on Main St. report that someone broke in and appeared to have spent the night there, the only damage was $60 for the broken window. That’s it for the property crimes this last week, not too bad if I may say so myself.
Join us next Tuesday night (Oct. 2) for our annual National Night Out event. This year will be the first time we are holding it at the Lytle Community Center on Priest Blvd. The rain or the heat won’t be able to keep us down, we will have a nice climate controlled environment for you to enjoy your free hotdog. H.E.B. will be proving some door prizes and it looks like we will have numerous businesses with tables set up. We will have something for those both young and old so stop by and meet your public safety partners. The rumors of our plans to randomly TASE or peppery spray attendees is false.
If you regularly visit our post office you will see the recent massive increase in traffic. Word is getting out to all those people in Natalia about how cool our post office is. The parking lot looks like Ingram Park Mall on black Friday if you stop by at the right time. No word yet on when/if the Natalia Post Office might reopen, sadly it was destroyed by fire. I realized that a lot of people didn’t know that the vast majority of Lytle and Natalia residents don’t have home mail delivery, you either get a post office box or go without mail. I just don’t know what I would do without all that junk mail.