The Medina Valley Soil & Water Conservation District in conjunction with the Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board is sponsoring Poster and Essay Contests for school age children residing in Medina County. The theme of this year’s contest is “Life in Soil: Dig Deeper.”
The Poster Contest is open to students 12 years old and younger. Students 14 to 18 years old may enter the Essay Contest. A monetary award will be presented to the first and second place winners who will also advance to the TSSWCD Area II Awards competition. For more contest details, refer to the entry forms available at the MVSWCD office located at the address below.
Educational resources may be found at and
All entries must be postmarked by January 15, 2019 or brought to the MVSWCD office by January 18. The address is Medina Valley SWCD, 257 Hwy 173, Ste. A, Hondo, TX 78861. Winners will be selected and notified by January 29, 2019. For more information, contact Janet Zerr at (830) 426-2521 ext. 3301 or by email at