Sept. 24
2:30 AM – Dispatch reported a 911 hang up coming from the Police Station.
3:12 AM – Officer responded to Machinery Auctioneers while on patrol and observed a suspicious work truck and 2 males in the yard. Officer made contact and discovered they were employees. All was fine.
9:15 AM – Officer responded to Lytle Apartments to unlock a vehicle.
9:45 AM – Officer responded to US Post Office for a report of a hit & run. Officer located the vehicle that left the scene and determined it was an elderly man with physical disabilities who was the driver. No charges filed.
1:50 PM – Complainant stopped by the Police Station and talked to officer in reference to a civil matter.
5:20 PM – Officer responded to 17900 Rocky’s Circle for a report of an identity theft attempt.
7:14 PM – Officer responded to John Lott Park to assist Atascosa Co. Investigator with making contact with juveniles at the park. Upon arrival, officer was cancelled as the juveniles were possibly in another area.
10:54 PM – Officer responded to 14700 Blk. of Railroad St. to assist Atascosa EMS with a patient having chest pains.
Sept. 25
12:28 AM – Officer responded to 15900 Blk. of Lakeshore Dr. for a report of a subject being loud outside. Officer located subjects who were intoxicated and agreed to keep it down.
11:58 AM – Complainant stopped by the Police Station and talked to officer in reference to her adult son possibly missing. Officer made contact with complainant’s son who stated he was getting a new phone set up and would make contact with his mother as soon as possible.
12:14 PM – Officer responded to 19400 Blk. of S. Somerset St. for a report of a residential alarm.
12:15 PM – Complainant stopped by the Police Station to report her license plate stolen from her vehicle. Complainant was not sure if it was taken from her residence or her place of employment in Natalia.
2:31 PM – Officer responded to 14600 Blk. of Main St. and talked to a citizen in regards to the Valero emergency fuel shut-off being blocked by rolling carts filled with merchandise. Officer spoke with the manager in regards to the fire code that requires the switch to be accessible and not blocked.
3:35 PM – Officer responded to 15500 Blk. of Main St. for a report of a vehicle vs. guardrail collision. The driver stated she fell asleep while driving and struck the guardrail. No injuries reported.
6:18 PM – Officer responded to Dollar General for a report of a two vehicle crash.
7:07 PM – Report of a possible intoxicated driver which stopped at John Lott Park which resulted in a citation being issued to a 23-year-old male subject for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Subject was then released.
7:49 PM – Officer responded to Lytle Nursing Home for a report of a natural death.
8:22 PM – Officer responded to 16800 Blk. of FM 2790 N to assist Medina Co. with a major accident.
Sept. 26
12:52 AM – Officer responded to Indian Sunset to assist Atascosa Co. with a suspicious vehicle. Officer searched the area, unable to locate.
1:22 AM – Officer responded to FM 3175 at Luckey Rd. to assist Atascosa Co. with a report of a juvenile seen running in the area. Officer searched the area, unable to locate.
3:01 AM – Officer responded to 15400 Blk. of Oak St. for a report of an elderly female walking in the area and waiving her arms. Officer checked the area, unable to locate.
9:17 AM – Officer responded to Dollar General to unlock a vehicle.
9:45 AM – Officer responded to 18100 Joan Way to unlock a vehicle.
11:20 AM – Officer responded to HEB Plus and seized a baggie of white powdery substance on the floor near the restrooms. Officer placed the bag into evidence.
12:40 PM – Officer responded to 15000 Blk. of Main St. to unlock a vehicle.
1:58 PM – Officer responded to HEB C-Store for a report of a suspicious female hanging around the C-Store area for several hours. Upon arrival, officer was advised she was headed up the access road heading north. Officer searched the area, unable to locate.
10:33 PM – Officer responded to 14000 Blk. of Main St. for a report of a suspicious white vehicle headed towards Lytle. The vehicle was last seen leaving Colonial Farms. Officer searched the area, unable to locate.
Sept. 27
12:30 AM – Officer responded to 14600 Blk. of Main St. for a report of a suspicious male pedestrian walking south on Main St. Officer searched the area, unable to locate.
1:26 AM – While conducting a building check at Mc Self Storage officer observed a suspicious pick-up parked next to the climate controlled units. Officer ran the vehicle’s registration and it came back not stolen.
2:23 AM – Officer responded to FM 2790 at Old Frio City Rd. for a report of a stray black cow near the roadway. Officer checked the area, unable to locate.
11:55 AM – Officer responded to Lazy J at Starcross Trail for a report of a suspicious vehicle located at the dead end. Officer located the vehicle, ran the plate and the vehicle did not come back as stolen.
3:00 PM – Complainant stopped by the Police Station and talked to officer in reference to receiving a call from a female pretending to be her granddaughter needing $2,000. Complainant realized it was a scam just before sending the money.
3:30 PM – Officer responded to 14700 Blk. of Main St. for a report of a suspicious person. Officer located the subject, all was fine.
4:30 PM – Officers responded to Lytle Community Health Clinic for a report of a female trying to walk out of the facility. Emergency detention was handled by Constable PCT 3.
5:42 PM – Complainant stopped by the Police Station and talked to officer in reference to a civil matter – child custody.
9:45 PM – Officer responded to 15000 Blk. of Main St. and observed suspicious activity behind the Pirates Cove. It was determined the owner was unloading supplies.
10:40 PM – Officer responded to St. Andrew’s Church for a report of a suspicious person. Officer made contact with subject and gave the individual a courtesy ride to Maureen Path.
10:57 PM – Officer responded to HEB Plus and observed an abandoned vehicle in the parking lot. Upon further inspection, the vehicle was unsecured and the ignition looked like it was punched. The vehicle was not reported stolen.
Sept. 28
8:18 AM – Officer talked to complainant in reference to a civil matter – child custody.
10:50 AM – Officers responded to St. Andrew’s Church to assist with a funeral escort.
2:40 PM – Officer responded to Mesquite St. at S. Somerset St. for a report of a suspicious vehicle. Officer spoke with the occupant, all was fine.
2:50 PM – Officers responded to 15300 Blk. of Main St. for a report of a fight in progress. Upon arrival, officers determined that the other half left prior to officer’s arrival. The dispute was over the ownership of a dog.
4:53 PM – Complainant stopped by the Police Station and talked to complainant who reported that while at HEB Plus this date around 2pm an unknown person possibly stole a cosmetic piece to complainant’s vehicle. The item was an insert in the front bumper that was missing.
5:47 PM – Officer responded to Main St. at McDonald St. for a report of vehicle crash.
7:00 PM – Officer responded to 18800 Blk. of Wisdom Rd. to assist Atascosa EMS with a patient.
8:41 PM – Officer responded to FM 3175 at IH 35 N Access for a report of a traffic hazard. Tree limbs were removed off the roadway.
9:03 PM – While patrolling at 1800 CR 6710, officer observed a door of a vehicle ajar. The owner was notified and confirmed nothing was taken from the vehicle.
Sept. 29
12:35 AM – Officer responded to HEB C-Store and talked to complainant in reference to a beer theft. The male suspect exited the Whataburger side of the building. Upon arrival, the clerk stated he confronted the male and recovered two 24 oz. cans of Budweiser Beer from him. The suspect was accompanied by another male who also departed prior to officer’s arrival.
12:45 AM – Officer responded to 19800 Blk. of Bruce St. for a report of loud music in the area. Upon arrival, officer did not hear any loud music, however officer observed a large speaker set up outside a residence on Bruce St. The resident agreed to lower the music.
1:00 AM – While on patrol at 19500 Blk. of Bruce St. officer observed a vehicle with the driver’s door ajar. The resident was notified and checked the vehicle. No signs of criminal activity noted.
6:15 AM – Officer responded to FM 2790 N at Laredo St. for a report of a traffic hazard. Officer located a 4×4 block in the middle of the roadway creating a traffic hazard. The debris was removed from the roadway.
9:42 AM – Officer responded to 19200 Blk. of First St. for a report of a disturbance. A dispute between two neighbors over loose dogs. Officer advised both neighbors on what the city ordinance is for loose dogs.
10:23 AM – Officer responded to 18200 Blk. of Wisdom Rd. for a report of a stolen riding mower valued at $1,700. The mower was last seen 1 month prior. A neighbor saw a tan Chevy truck in the driveway around 2:45 am this date. The witness reported that when the truck left it did not have a mower in the bed.
10:51 AM – Officer responded to Main St. at Somerset St. and provided funeral escort.
11:53 AM – Officer responded to S. Somerset St. at Main St. for a report of a tree limb that fell blocking the road. Officer cut the branch and cleared the roadway.
3:16 PM – Officer responded to 14900 Blk. of Starcross Trail and talked to complainant in regards to finding damage to his vehicle he parked the night before at his residence. Complainant also found a business card for Annie’s Pet Grooming on his windshield. Officer made contact with the grooming owner who stated she had hit the vehicle earlier while backing and attempted contact at the residence with no answer so she left her business card. Parties agreed to work it out.
4:02 PM – Officer responded to IH 35 at Mile Marker 131 NB and assisted DPS K9 Unit Trooper with a traffic stop.
7:00 PM – Officer responded to 15200 Blk. of Norvell St. for a report of a snake on the back porch of the residence. Animal Control was notified.
8:32 PM – Officer responded to IH 35 NB at Mile Marker 131 and assisted a wrecker with traffic control.
9:50 PM – Complainant talked to officer in reference to a civil matter – child custody.
9:50 PM – Officer responded to 15200 Blk. of Main St. to unlock a vehicle.
Sept. 30
10:03 AM – Officer responded to 19300 Blk. of McDonald St. for a report of a natural death.
3:04 PM – Officer responded to Camino Real Crisis Center and talked to staff in regards to an unruly resident.
3:41 PM – Officer responded to O’Reilly Auto Parts for a report a vehicle crash.
4:44 PM – Officer responded to Camino Real Crisis Center and assisted Atascosa EMS with the resident from the previous call. The resident was transported by EMS to Southwest General Hospital for treatment.
5:49 PM – Officer responded to HEB Plus for a report of a theft involving a female and a child. The basket with groceries valued at $240 was recovered by staff. The staff took photos of the suspect’s vehicle with license plate. The vehicle was located at a residence just outside of Somerset and the suspect was identified.
6:06 PM – OnStar called Atascosa Co. SO and gave info from a subscriber who alerted them. The incident was occurring on Lytle-Somerset St. and reported as a possible carjacking. After further info, it was determined to be an accidental activation and a misunderstanding.
9:50 PM – Officer responded to 19800 Blk. of Bruce St. for a report of a power outage. CPS was on location.