Lytle awaiting over 400 provisional votes to be counted before a Mayor is declared

Ruben Gonzalez is leading in the mayoral election in the City of Lytle in a close race with longtime Mayor Mark Bowen by 618 to 510. A winner has not been officially announced by the City of Lytle because they are awaiting over 400 provisional ballots to be counted between Medina County (approx. 338) and Atascosa (approx.100 still not counted). Counties have until November 16 to canvas their votes officially, so a City Council meeting has been set for November 17 to swear in the winners of the races in Lytle.
It is unknown just how many of the provisional votes are from Lytle citizens as the votes are countywide.
Gonzalez would be giving up his current seat as the District 1 Councilman for the mayor position, so that seat will need to be filled if he moves into the mayor seat.
Charles Cate leads Frank Carrillo for the District 5 council position by a vote of 139 to 95.
Councilman Jerry Stone had 209 votes and was unopposed.
The local option election passed with 894 for vs 242 against legalizing the sale of mixed beverages in restaurants by food and beverage certificate holders.

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