Photographer Charles Carlson was the guest speaker at the March meeting of the Current Events Club which was held in the home of Linda Kreinhop. Carlson displayed and discussed some of his beautiful hill country photographs. He has had photographs published in magazines such as Field and Stream. Tips on capturing amazing images were also discussed. Carlson is a retired school administrator and was a former principal at Hondo High School.
The Devine High School Senior Ice Cream Social will be held at the home of George and Martha Wall on April 9. Martha discussed details of the event with club members.
The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Sarah Mc Alpin; First Vice-President, Linda Kreinhop; Second Vice-President, Kay Shultz; Recording Secretary, Alma Horvath; Corresponding Secretary, Peggy Cooper. Installation will be held at the May meeting.
The club voted to contribute $500 to HANK, Inc. Jane Harrison reported that the Animal Shelter needs blankets, towels, animal toys and individuals who would like to give some attention to the dogs and cats in the shelter. The club voted to donate $500 to the Gift of Hope which will be held at the Divine Savior Lutheran Church on April 21. This year’s beneficiaries will be Joyce Hass and Claudia Carberry.