Interlocal agreement with Live Oak County

Hallylewya, we got rain out over the Black Creek metroplex on Saturday. Wasn’t no more than 0.3 tenths of an inch but, we are thankful. Sandy is having a meeting of some kind today (Tuesday) involving a buncha women and I had to mow the grass for the last time this year…AGAIN.
Short, uneventful meeting this week. Insurance claims were down so, there was no need to transfer money from the General Fund to the Employee trust to cover the insurance bills. So I guess it’s been a healthy year for Medina County employees even with the cost of health insurance on a never ending rise. We did, however, change insurance carriers in search of a better, less expensive product. We went with TAC and Blue Cross Blue Shield which was, we believe, better but not less expensive.
A local taxing entity, the Medina County Hospital Dist., sent me a letter soliciting donations for some kind of program too, I don’t know, didn’t read past the send us money part. I did respond by sending back the form and instructing them to take a portion of the $2,600 I was charged for a two minute session on their MRI machine and put it in that fund. Guess if I was homeless, a prisoner or otherwise, it would be free. That’s what I get for working for a living and having an income. End of rant…..
We also approved an Interlocal Agreement with Live Oak County to house Medina County prisoners when our jail if full. This happens on a regular basis and sometime in the near future, we are going to have to expand our facilities to keep up with the demand. If Randy and his folks would quit putting crooks in jail, we wouldn’t have this problem.
On a positive note, Randy received a commendation from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards for his efforts to keep Medina County in compliance. I think that Joe Arpio should be the Chairman of this Board and make our jails less of a Holiday Inn Express and more of a Detention Center.
We also allowed an Austin filmmaker the use of the Courthouse on Saturday the 25th of November in the making of a film about a farmer who comes out on the winning end of a court case or something like that.
Sorry to hear that the Rabians did not advance in the Volleyball playoffs but, getting to the Regional Tournament is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations ladies on a great year.
Thanksgiving is next week and even though we (some of you) complain about our situation here in America, we need to be thankful every day that we live in a free country. Free to speak our mind, free to worship as we see fit and free to elect our governmental representatives…….and free to leave if you find something better. Don’t see a lot of people doing this.