Not a great deal of activity to report this week. The call volume was down to 38 and only 15 traffic stops were conducted. Those stops resulted in 12 citations and 3 warnings. If all goes well we will have three new officers on board in the next 60 days or so, I expect our numbers to jump as we move into training new recruits. We have been running this show with only 5 full-time officers, so we are really looking forward to filling those three empty slots. Training new recruits is challenging but it recharges you and makes you remember why you became a cop.
The vehicle that was stolen on Sunday, Oct. 14 from the H.E.B. C-Store was recovered the next morning. Lt. Dear and I had just finished up a funeral escort and were headed back to the PD. I heard him call out on the radio that he believed he was behind our stolen vehicle. I headed his direction and he got the vehicle stopped right by the back entrance to the PD. The guys had thought they were being cool and clever by not hitting the main roads, little did they know our PD is in a residential area. They couldn’t even run, their only option would have put them in the PD parking lot! Later that day we also assisted Pleasanton PD in the recovery of two stolen zero turn mowers from an oilfield business across from Lytle State Bank (they got a good tip). We recovered two engines from stolen motorcycles, one taken out of New Braunfels and one taken from San Antonio. No arrests were made. The rest of the week was boring and wet. The weekend ended up nice and dry but I guess even the crooks wanted to enjoy the nice weather so it was nice and slow in town.
The next big event headed to town is the annual History Fair at the Lytle Public Library. It is set for Saturday, Nov. 3. This deal gets bigger and better each year. Good food, friendly people and civil war cannons firing in the background. What more could you ask for?