We had a busy week. It looks like the bad guys decided not to visit the coast this past week. Our officers handled 55 calls for service and conducted 56 traffic stops. The traffic stops resulted in citations on 43 stops while warnings were given on 13 of them.
Ofc. Guzman was involved in the pursuit of a speeding motorcycle on Main St. The vehicle jumped on the interstate and struck the rear end of a car. The motorcycle driver was transported by EMS to University Hospital.
This is the week of variety in our reported thefts for sure. Our smallest theft was a “tall boy” adult beverage that someone walked out of the H.E.B. C-Store with and chose not to pay. In contrast the largest theft this week involved a 2007 Kenworth truck tractor and an attached trailer for hauling sand. It disappeared from the access road of IH-35. The big truck disappeared; we have no idea where it is. The tall boy was most likely consumed and any evidence has since left the thief’s system.
In all the H.E.B. C-Store was “hit” 4 times with “beer runs” in the past week. In addition to the “tall boy” theft we had two other occasions where beer was heisted and the crooks escaped capture. We were able to make an arrest on one of the four thefts though. A suspect took off with 2 18-packs of Budweiser. He was tracked down to a residence on Gate St. by Lt. Dear and Ofc. Guzman and was cited for the theft and also arrested for evading arrest. The fellow had an active warrant out of Bexar Co. for resisting arrest too, he went to jail but 5 beers were missing so I guess he “chugged” them down real quick. I’m assuming he knew he had reservations awaiting at an alcohol free, county funded, high security hotel with minimal amenities.
Lt. Dear hit the streets and had two more arrests. He made a dope arrest on Main St. after stopping a vehicle that fled from an accident in Bexar Co. Cocaine was recovered and the fleeing driver went to jail. He ended the weekend with a warrant arrest off of a traffic stop; the guy was wanted by Frio Co. so Lt. Dear was off to the Atascosa Co. Jail again. I informed Lt. Dear that he has used all his gasoline allowance for the month. I told him that if he made any more arrests he would need to transport the prisoner on the handlebars of his police bicycle.
If you haven’t heard, Officer J.W. Petrash will be retiring soon. He has served with us for over 8 years. He took his first Peace Officer job in 1979 and came to us after a 20 year career at Alamo Heights PD. He is a good man and we will miss him. When he was hired I gave him three ground rules to follow; Treat everyone with respect, don’t get arrested and don’t come to work drunk. He has done a good job and followed those rules, what more could I ask.