The community was shocked upon the news of the vicious dog attack this past Sunday, December 31 that left 5-year-old Emily Cashion, a Devine kindergarten student, with severe wounds to her face and neck. Little Emily remains was airlifted and hospitalized this week after she was viciously attacked by a German Shepherd at her grandmother’s house on Dixon Drive in Devine around 2 o’ clock. Emily’s grandmother, Helen Splawn, quickly forced herself between the dog and Emily, who suffered such severe injuries in a matter of seconds. Splawn was able to shield Emily from further injury, though the dog continued to attack, also biting Splawn several times before she was able to fight the dog out the door. Emily was airlifted to University Hospital, where she underwent about 6 hours of surgery.
“My mom saved my baby’s life,” said Emily’s father Colby Cashion. “She laid on top of Emily to keep herself between the two, and my mom was also bitten several times on the head, face and arm while trying to get the dog off of Emily.”
“She fought the dog and was finally able to get on top of the dog and scoot her and the dog towards the door and opened it, and the dog ran out…..When Emily woke up, I told her that Granny saved her life, and Emily said, ‘Yep, and I saved Granny!’”
“Emily had a lot of deep lacerations on her face and neck. One very deep laceration on her neck missed her carotid artery by less than an inch. We are so blessed to still have her with us. She is the sweetest thing in this world,” said Emily’s father Colby Cashion. “My mom went to the ER for stitches, and was released later that night.”
“Mom was fostering the German Sheppard which she had only for about three weeks. We have no clue why it attacked her,” Cashion said. “My mom said they were just sitting on the couch talking and all of a sudden the dog just attacked Emily….She called me and 9-1-1 right after the dog ran out of the house,” Cashion added.
On Monday night, Cashion said “They worked on her for a little more than 6 hours. They said if the scars don’t heal well, there may be some skin graphing or possible plastic surgery needed, but they don’t think any of that will be necessary. We will be in IICU for the next 3 days before they move her to a room. It looks like we will be here for a while.”
Little Emily spent two days in the children’s intensive care unit, before being moved to Intermediate ICU, which is a step down from ICU, where family members expect to be for a couple more days before moving to a regular hospital room if all goes as planned.
As of this Tuesday, Cashion provided us with an update: “Doctors told us that they are going to go ahead and take her to the Operating Room tomorrow to clean out her wounds and possibly do another small surgery to go ahead and repair the wounds. They are concerned with infection with packing the wounds and are hopeful that they will be able to close her up. We won’t know until they get her on the operating table and they said they would make decision then as to what the best plan of action should be. All the nurses and other doctors said the doctor is very, very respected in the medical community and she is in the best hands possible.”
Doctors and family say Emily has a long road of recovery ahead of her, but she’s a trooper and was in high spirits after coming out surgery this past Sunday, though she had rough day on Monday experiencing quite a bit of pain. Emily remains in Intermediate ICU at University Hospital, and she needs all the encouragement she can get.
Let’s help lift Emily’s spirits!
Emily’s family says she has really enjoyed and looks forward to Get Well wishes from friends and community members. Everyone is encouraged to send Emily words of encouragement and Get Well gifts to University Hospital. Send in to Emily Cashion in room 7105 in the Intermediate ICU, though she is expected to be moved into a regular room after a couple more days.
While she is in intermediate intensive care unit, Emily can receive Mylar balloons and stuffed animals which can be purchased by phone at the University Hospital’s gift shop 806-775-8674. (No latex or flowers are allowed in the ICU.)
Locally, you may also drop off cards, Mylar balloons, stuffed animals, or Get Well baskets at the Law Office of Mark Cashion (Emily’s grandfather).
As many friends have already done, Emily’s little school friends can also leave a video message for her on her parent’s Facebook pages–Colby or Bobbie Cashion.
“The poor thing remembers everything, but doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. She said it was just a bad dog and not all dogs are bad. She has so much love in her heart and hearing her talk made me feel like I got my heart back,” her father commented on social media. “Thank you all for your support. I really can’t express the gratitude we feel for all the nice words and prayers we have received. In this dark time, God has shown us the light! We will forever be grateful for you all.”
Her mother adds, “As horrible as it was, by the grace of God our family is still intact and we have never felt more blessed. Thank you for all the prayers for Emily. She has a long road ahead of her but her loving spirit is already shining through.”
According to Devine PD, the dog was located after the 9-1-1 call, and was aggressive toward the officer, but no further injuries were reported. The dog had to be dispatched and was sent off for rabies testing.