A local home school drama troupe filmed an original movie, and it will premiere Tuesday, August 7 at the Raye Movie Theater in Hondo. The movie is called “Making History.” There will be two public showings at 4 pm and 7 pm.
“Making History” is a feature-length comedy done in a cinéma vérité. The premise is that a film crew attempts to document the highlights of history from B.C. to Y2K but must endure hilarious hiccups throughout the production process, including a rogue T-rex, a drone gone wild, as well as differing opinions on history itself. The script was written and performed by local students in the Devine area and their teacher.
Please let Heather Yanta know if you think you can make it to so she can get you your tickets. The cost is $2 per ticket, and funds go to the HANK organization!