Dodge the potholes

This is a week late cause I hadda go to a Conference in Bryan, Texas on Tuesday and Monday was a Holiday. Judge Schuchart went too…Aggies get real giddy when they go back to their roots. Said it was the first time he ever been in the Dixie Chicken during daylight hours.
There has been a little progress in the preliminary stages of the Jail expansion and Courthouse Annex construction projects. Approval of the schematic design documents, provided that the established budgets were not exceeded, was on the Agenda as well as the closing of an alleyway behind the proposed location of the Courthouse Annex.
Commissioners Court supported a Resolution prohibiting TCEQ from authorizing discharge of treated wastewater or pollutants into any surface water in the Contributing Zone or the Recharge Zone of the Edwards Aquifer within the Nueces River Basin. Self-contained aerobic systems are still allowed.
As you can see, TxDOT has begun addressing the problem areas on SH 173 between Devine and Hondo. According to the Hondo District Office, additional assistance has been requested to speed up the repairs. I know it’s tough playing “dodge the potholes” but, I play it every time I drive to Hondo too. Give them some time and, hopefully, the problems will be resolved. In the meantime, I ain’t gonna ride my motorcycle that direction at night.
Haven’t spoken to the Foreman of Hunter Construction about their job on 173 inside the City Limits but, at last report, there is still a seal coat layer and a hot mix layer to be applied before they are finished. Believe weather is playing a part in some of the delay.
If any of you are hearing about the 2.5% Roll Back tax cap being proposed by the Legislature this year, look into it a little more. It is not what it seems to be. If implemented, this would severely limit local governments ability to provide the necessary services to the City and County residents and, in fact, may kill the possibility altogether. Check into it and contact Senator Pete Flores and Representative Andrew Murr and let them know your position on this. We (Commissioners Court) all have voiced our opposition to this Bill.
Judge Schuchart has proposed REAL tax relief measures to our Elected Officials in Austin including: Reducing the cap on Homestead rates from 10% to 5%, decrease the Roll Back rate to 5% or 6% and phase this in over time, pass the NO Unfunded Mandates Bill. (36% of Medina County Budget consists of Unfunded Mandates forced on us by the State) and there are other measures to be considered but space in this column will not hold the explanations.
Work will start (should have already begun) on repaving and widening CR 664 as soon as the State receives sealed bids from Devine ISD and Medina County Pct. 4 for the TxDOT property on 173. Once it is determined where our material yard will be, we will begin stockpiling materials. I have already contacted the Company who will do the reclaiming and he is on board. Hold on a little longer Esther Harrell.
We have ordered a trailer and will begin to take old tires as soon as we get it on site (either at Rose Hill or on 173). I will post notices around town and have it in next weeks Devine News.