Below are the students from Devine High School and their places in the District UIL Literary Meet. Many qualified for the Regional UIL Literary Meet and from that one student, Preslee Quisenberry, will advance on to the State level.
Current Issues and Events:
1st place Anthony Limon
4th place Michael Cubriel
5th place Aaron Freas
Ready Writing:
2nd place Jesslyn Sanchez
5th place Brian Schaeffer
6th place Corwin Flores
Calculator Applications:
5th place Elia Ghisenllini
1st place Josephine Taitino
2nd place Elia Ghisenllini
6th place Abraham Taitino
Persuasive Speaking:
1st place Scarlett Smith
4th place Logan Gonzales
5th place Paige Williamson
Literary Criticism:
1st place Amada Guardiola
4th place Gabriella Napier
5th place Clarissa Maldonado
Poetry Interpretation:
2nd place Clarissa Maldonado
3rd place Amada Guardiola
Prose Interpretation:
1st place Halle Hagdorn
2nd place Paige Williamson
6th place Brooke Schott
Social Studies:
1st place Jacob Harrell
2nd place Christian Hernandez
4th place Trevor Smyth
5th place Zacchaeus Morphew
Computer Science:
3rd place Derek Weinstrom
4th place Cameron Lyle
Informative Speaking:
1st place Michael Meek
2nd place Anca Tonciu
5th place Laurel Spannagel
3rd place Trevor Smyth
5th place Jason Mullens
5th place Hannah Stolezman
Lincoln Douglas Debate:
1st place Scarlett Smith
2nd place Laurel Spannagel
5th place Jason Mullens
Spelling and Vocabulary:
6th place Brooke Schott
Computer Applications:
5th place Derek Weinstrom
Current Issues:
6th place Denton Zuercher
Top Science:
Physics Elia Ghisellini
Biology Josephine Taitino
Copy Editing:
1st place Josephine Taitino
4th place Sydnie Harrell
6th place Karli Geyer
Headline Writing:
3rd place Sydnie Harrell
4th place Josephine Taitino
6th place Karli Geyer
News Writing:
1st place Preslee Quisenberry
2nd place Sydnie Harrell
4th place Madison Mata
Editorial Writing:
2nd place Preslee Quisenberry
3rd place Abigail Kohlleppel
5th place Alissa Stehle
Feature Writing:
1st place Madison Mata
2nd place Abigail Kohlleppel
3rd place Alissa Stehle

Regional UIL results:
Preslee Quisenberry
2nd News Writing
3rd Editorial Writing