March 16
9:55 AM – Verbal disturbance between a male and female in a restaurant in the 1000 block of E. Hondo Ave. The female was transported to San Antonio.
11:36 AM – Female in maroon clothing trying to stop vehicles. A Medina County Sheriff’s Deputy located the female on Colonial/Libold. The female needed a ride to Walmart.
6:11 PM – Verbal disturbance between a female and a male at a store in the 100 block of IH-35 S. Both parties separated.
March 17
1:58 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 100 block of E. Hondo Ave. The driver was found to be intoxicated and in possession of drug paraphernalia, was served two municipal warrants, and was jailed.
5:03 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 300 block of Corley Dr. The male driver was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia, and was served with two municipal warrants, one Atascosa Co. warrant, and one Bexar Co. warrant, and was jailed.
5:20 PM – One black baseball glove and one pink and black baseball glove were left at the city park and placed in evidence.
11:10 PM – An 18-wheeler was dragging items on SB IH-35 near mile marker 124. Officer made contact; items were secured.
March 18
9:45 AM – Complainant in the 100 block of Littleton Dr. reported person(s) unknown breaking the back window and entering her vacant home. No items taken.
10:22 AM – Complaint about a white Chevy Blazer all over the road on SB IH-35 near mile marker 127. Unable to locate.
12:30 PM – Officer dispatched to store in the 100 block of IH-35 S. in reference to a female asking for money. The female was from Romania and was trying to get back to California.
11:14 PM – Natalia PD asked for assistance with a combative subject at Love’s Truck Stop.
11:20 PM – A male subject in the 400 block of W. Hondo Ave. didn’t want to ride to his boarding home with boarding home staff.
March 19
4:00 PM – Complainant reported her son’s phone was missing. The black phone with a black case was last seen in the Devine Middle School cafeteria.
March 20
12:26 AM – Complainant in the 400 block of Monticello Cir. advised that the woman who lives directly behind her residence drove her car into the complainant’s yard, struck the complainant’s vehicle, and nearly struck the front porch.
1:23 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 400 block of Mockingbird Ln. The female driver was found to be intoxicated and was jailed. Second DWI.
9:03 AM – Traffic control for removal of a banner across Hondo Ave.
5:00 PM – A male subject was arguing with a female subject on Warhorse Dr. Unable to locate.
9:51 PM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation on IH-35 NB near mile marker 124. The male driver failed field sobriety tests, was found to be intoxicated, and was jailed.
March 21
9:57 AM – Caller in the 100 block of Covey Ln. believes someone broke into her AC unit because it appears to have been moved.
11:13 AM – Complainant at store in the 100 block of Colonial Pkwy. said a female came into the store at 9:10 AM and left the store at 9:50 AM with unpaid clothes. Verified by store camera. License plate number visible in footage.
2:20 PM – Complainant in the 400 block of Davis Ave. reported a female on location having a verbal disturbance with her mother. Officer made location; unable to locate.
5:10 PM – A male subject was reportedly leaving trash at a residence in the 600 block of Flores Dr.
March 22
8:56 AM – Complainant at a store in the 300 block of Hwy. 132 N. reported a gray truck on location dumping trash in the business’s dumpsters. Officer made location and everything was okay.
12:52 PM – Someone broke the outer glass of a business in the 100 block of Hwy. 132 N.
11:20 PM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 1000 block of E. Hondo Ave. A male subject was found to be in possession of less than 2 oz. of marijuana. Charges pending. Half-smoked joints were found, and the male subject and a female subject were both cited for possession of drug paraphernalia.