Poor Jared Nusthorpe (Harper Parson). It’s the technical rehearsal of his play and EVERYTHING is going wrong. His stage manager Janet (Jordan Erxleben) is Army trained and runs the stage like an operation. The school’s principal Mrs. Dinsmore (Bailey Kohlleppel) casually drops by to watch the rehearsal and offers lots of suggestions. Then there’s OZ (Andrew Kohlleppel) his smarty pants tech guy who just can’t quite seem to get it together. Add in a cheerleader (Kendall Gardner) who’s standing in for her boyfriend, a know-it-all senior (Rafael Estala) cast as the star, and two actor wannabes Anne (Yaretzi Mercado) and Clarence (Jacob Hicks) and you have a full blown disaster waiting to happen. Join DMS OAP on Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Devine Student Activity Center. Admission is free but donations will be graciously and gratefully accepted.