Devine Homecoming is a TWO-DAY event!Oct. 13 and 14

1987 DHS HOMECOMING COURT: left to right – Fr. Cindy Gomez, Sr. Amy Buckles, Sr. Shana McGinnis, 1986 Queen Mary Wilms, 1987 Queen Tammy Langley, Sr. Anna Del Toro, Jr. Bridget Hoog, and Soph. Desiree Hernandez.

For ALL Devine Ex-Students & Teachers from ALL years
DEVINE HOMECOMING IS A TWO-DAY EVENT! There will be lots to do and celebrate at Homecoming and it is too much for just one evening! So, we have two days to celebrate! A little something for everyone!

Friday night will be the annual Homecoming football game at Warhorse Stadium. Come sit with your classmates and friends, sing the school and fight songs, and cheer the Warhorses on to victory!
On Saturday there will be lots going on at the old Green Alamo (VFW) starting with a tour of the school from 12-1pm, followed by the afternoon gathering of alumni sponsored by the Devine Ex-Students/Teachers Association (DExSTA) in the Hall. At 1pm, sign-in and visiting will start happening until the annual alumni meeting begins. This includes recognition of all past Devine Twirlers and honoring the DHS Class of 1973 on their 50th Reunion! There will be lots more visiting and time to look at hundreds of old pictures, class posters, and memorabilia that is only shown at Homecoming. There will be Food Trucks available to get you fed and ready for the evening alumni social from 6-10pm. The VFW bar in the hall will be open in the evening too.
You have lots to choose from this Homecoming, so start contacting everyone and make plans to spend some time together with former classmates and friends Homecoming 2023, Oct. 13 &14!
*For more HC details go to or Facebook page for Devine Ex-Students/Teachers Association or contact a DExSTA board member.