The Devine Garden Club will hold its first meeting of the club year on Thursday, September 27 in the Crouch home at 3:00 pm. Hostesses for this meeting are Carol Crouch and Mary Howard. All members are asked to bring three plants or three seed packets to share with others. This is our annual Fall Plant Sharing. Members will be asked to tell about one of the plants or seed packets shared.
In addition to Plant Sharing, the club will discuss our upcoming events and projects for the 2018-2019 club year. Visitors are always welcome. Come see what is in store for our 71st year! Members, please notify the hostesses if you are unable to attend.
The Executive Committee met this summer and planned an exciting and interesting club year. Our president’s theme: “Sowing Seeds to make Devine, Simply Divine,” follows the Texas Garden Club, Inc. theme, “Sowing Seeds the Texas Way.” Come join us and learn more about planting those seeds.
Happy Gardening!