The Devine Garden Club celebrated its 70th Anniversary with a crowd of exactly 70 people. The club members were very excited to see such a wonderful response to the event. Guests were greeted by Miriam Garcia and Cynthia Sparkman. Each guest was given a ticket for items provided by club members and members of our business community, which included a Devine avocado tree, generously donated by Mr. Bill Schneider. Upon entering the community center, the guests were treated to lovely decorations that included a plant display on the stage, and our memory lane tables with scrapbooks and photos, along with a refreshment table, laden with delicious treats.

President Sandra Stacy began the event by welcoming guests, and providing a brief history of the Devine Garden Club. Dorothy Saunders, Historian, lead the pledges to the United States and Texas flags. This was followed by a prayer led by Peggy Cooper. Mayor Bill Herring presented and read a much-appreciated proclamation, declaring January 25, 2018, as officially, Devine Garden Club Day. A special guest was Mrs. Cecelia Lussen, District VII Director of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc., who gave a brief welcome speech. The club honored the past presidents, Mary Howard, Wanda Gardner, Carol Summerlin, Pat Tampke, and Sandra Stacy who were each presented a red rose by member, Andrea Vasquez. Honorary members and current club members were acknowledged. Door prizes were awarded at each break, much to the delight of the audience.

Dr. Calvin Finch spoke on “Preparing Your Yard and Garden for Spring”. Dr. Finch’s presentations are always informative and entertaining. He followed his talk with a Question and Answer period. He also invited all to the South Texas Home, Garden and Environmental Show in Floresville on March 3-4 and noted that our club is responsible for the Plant Exchange at that event. The second speaker, Mr. Brady Yecker, of Rio Medina, also a horticulturist, talked about fruit trees in South Texas and answered numerous garden questions posed by the audience. Both speakers have been special friends and supporters of the Devine Garden Club throughout the years. We were honored to have them.

After the last door prizes were presented, the audience enjoyed refreshments. Many stayed to view the photos, scrapbooks, and visit with the members and others. Club members were very appreciative of the wonderful response to our celebration and look forward to “Growing Green and Playing in Dirt” for many, many more years.
A very special thank you to the following committee chairmen and assistants who made this celebration possible: Decorations- Elsa Rodrigues and Alma Horvath, Refreshments- Pat Tampke and Peggy Cooper, History- Dorothy Saunders and Elsa Rodrigues, Publicity- Miriam Garcia, Event Chairman- Sandra Stacy. Helpers- Sondra Rackley, Susan Schott, Susan Wisenbacker, Andrea Vasquez, Carol Crouch, Cynthia Sparkman, Heather Brumage and family.