Fifteen members of Devine High School FCCLA participated in Region V competition, and all 15 advanced to State, which will be held in April.
Results are as follows:
Family & Consumer Science Assessments:
Gold- Kaesyn Mann & Lorena Chavera, Silver- Ismael Vera
Spotlight on Projects:
2nd: Lorena Chavera & Ismael Vera, 3rd: Rebecca Fowler & Kaesyn Mann
Power of One Completion:
Kaesyn Mann, Emily Cardenas, Charlize Benavides and Ralf Rios
Star Events
Emily & Abby Kohlleppel “Farm to Classroom” Illustrated Talk Sr.; Amanda Richardson & Cassie Wood “Fostering & Children” Illustrated Talk Occupational; Amanda Byrd “Healthy VS Unhealthy Relationships” Interpersonal Communication Jr.; Caimee Fowler & Brady Harrell “Kindness Cures” Interpersonal Communication Sr.; Emily Cardenas & Rosa Gonzales “Lets Deflect this Neglect” Interpersonal Communication Occupational
Silver: Rebecca Fowler “R.F. Inc.” Recycle & Redesign
Chapter Awards: 4A Membership Increase Award and Service Learning
Region V Officers Make the 2018-2019 Team with new offices
Charlize Benavides- VP Public Relations
Amy Bailey- VP Peer Involvement
Also, Charlize did an amazing job singing the National Anthem at the opening meeting!