The following reports were included in Council members’ packets at the Regular Devine City Council meeting held Tuesday, March 21.
In February, 6,600,000 gallons of water were pumped from the Edwards Aquifer, and 5,064,000 gallons were pumped from the Carrizo Aquifer for a total of 11,664,000 gallons.
To date, the City has pumped 14,470,000 gallons of water from the Edwards Aquifer, or 44.40 acre feet of the City’s allotted amount of 911.730 acre feet.
In February 2016, 7,282,000 gallons were pumped from the Edwards and 6,061,000 gallons were pumped from the Carrizo, for a total of 13,343,000.
Public Works
A total of 124 work orders were issued in February, including 75 in the water department, seven each in the police and street departments, three in the sewer department, and one each at City Hall, the George S. Woods Community Center, and the Driscoll Public Library. Of those, 122 were completed.
Police Department
The nine non-salary officers worked a total of 94.80 hours of overtime in February. Devine officers assisted other agencies 29 times, including 12 calls totaling nine hours and six minutes outside of City limits. Other agencies assisted Devine five times. Dispatch handled 480 calls.
One-hundred and twenty-seven tickets were issued, including 24 for expired motor vehicle registration; 16 for speeding; nine for theft less than $100; eight for no license plate light; seven for no valid driver’s license; six for possession of drug paraphernalia; five each for expired driver’s license and driving while license invalid; four each for speeding – school zone, failure to maintain financial responsibility, parking violations, and public intoxication; three each for disregarding a stop sign, failure to drive in a single lane, and disorderly conduct; two each for failure to change address on driver’s license, operating a vehicle with one license plate, defective stoplamps, improper turn, and possession of an alcoholic beverage in a motor vehicle; and one each for child unsecured under 8 not taller than 4’9″, unsafe start from a stopped position, unsafe lane change, use of wireless device in school zone, failure to signal turn, defective headlamps, failure to stop for school bus, violation of a City ordinance – running at large, and Class C assault.
Seventy-four arrests were made, including 21 on warrants; 16 for theft; six each for possession of drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia; five for driving while license invalid; four for drunkenness; three each for disorderly conduct and assault; two each for possession of an alcoholic beverage in a motor vehicle, credit card abuse, and burglary; and one each for criminal trespass, fraud, DWI/DUI minor, and assault – family violence.
Municipal Court (January)
A total of 698 cases (301 traffic, 397 non-traffic) were on the docket in January. Twenty-one cases were disposed prior to court appearance, and 24 cases were disposed at court.
Twenty-two cases were placed on inactive status, leaving 898 traffic cases (378 active, 625 inactive) and 815 non-traffic cases (267 active, 436 inactive) pending at the end of the month.
One active civil case is pending.
In juvenile activity, nine transportation code cases and three drug paraphernalia cases were filed.
Arrest warrants were issued for one Class A or B misdemeanor, as well as one felony.
Fines, court costs, and other amounts collected resulted in $4,781.10. Of that, $3,399.75 was kept by the City, and $1,381.35 was remitted to the State.
Municipal Court (February)
A total of 820 cases (395 traffic, 425 non-traffic) were on the docket in February. Thirty cases were disposed prior to court appearance, and 73 cases were disposed at court.
One case was placed on inactive status, leaving 952 traffic cases (341 active, 609 inactive) and 828 non-traffic cases (403 active, 425 inactive) pending at the end of the month.
One active civil case is pending.
In juvenile activity, four transportation code and one drug paraphernalia cases were filed.
Arrest warrants were issued for 17 Class C misdemeanors, seven Class A and B misdemeanors, and six felonies.
Six capiases pro fine were issued.
Fines, court costs, and other amounts collected resulted in $11,771.20. Of that, $8,319.31 was kept by the City, and $3,451.89 was remitted to the State.
Animal Control
Animal Control had 79 calls in February. Two animal bites were reported, one ticket was issued, two warning tickets were issued, and six animals were returned to their owners. Nine dogs and nine cats were euthanized, and three animals were adopted.
Driscoll Public Library
In February, 1,101 library materials were checked out. Public access computers were used 493 times, and 13 new library accounts and 20 new library cards were issued. Programs and classes were attended by 168 patrons.
By Marly Davis
Staff Writer