Crash and bailout puts school on high alert

The smuggler in this bailout last Tuesday just left the car in “drive” as she and the occupants bailed out of the vehicle on Hwy 132 just outside Devine. The vehicle actually hit the deputy’s unit after she jumped out, and authorities who are growing more weary every day from the constant bailouts, began the search. There have been over 1,223,000 CPB apprehensions on the Southwest Border in the past six months (October-March) according to US Border Patrol.

Authorities used dogs in an attempt to track down smugglers and several people who bailed out of this vehicle (below). The vehicle’s windshield was shattered to pieces as it crashed through a fence on Zig Zag near the school this Tuesday, April 25. Thankfully the pursuit ended before going through the school zone traffic. Parents got an alert about the situation around 7:30AM as kiddos were being dropped off at school, and authorities secured the area to make sure there was no threat to the students. Medina County Sheriff Randy Brown had only a few minutes to talk as he was in the middle of another bailout case just a few hours later the same day.