Guess I need to point out Cullen Whitney’s expertise in cartography. Seems he noticed that I had mistakenly erred in writing that folks gained access to Gusville via CR 6611. He was correct in letting me know that this was impossible as the correct road number is CR 7611. Guess I coulda blamed the mistake on the computer, the person receiving the article or the newspaper but, it was my mistake. I know some folks who would never admit being incorrect.
Saturday we got 1/2 inch of rain out Black Creek way and another 1/2 inch on Sunday bringing us to 7.2 inches for the year. This time last year, we had 12.2 inches.
Seems yesterday was Proclamation Day at Commissioners Court. Put Mayor Herring and his group presenting a proposed TIRZ/TIF on hold while we approved a passle of Proclamations. Once we got through proclaiming and whereasing and signing, Mayor Herring presented their economic proposal that would include the County’s participation in developing several tracts of land within the City Limits of Devine. This item will appear on a future agenda for approval or disapproval.
We have gotten all the base material hauled out on CR 7711 and will begin laying it today (Tuesday) with the goal of having it ready for paving on Tuesday after Memorial Day. Seems this type of work brings out the best and worst in people. Got a lot of compliments and waves with thumbs up but, we got several waves that included only one finger and a couple of idiots that tried to see how fast they could navigate the construction equipment with no regard for anyone’s safety. Gotta love those fools who have accidents in this type of circumstance and blame everyone but themselves (See paragraph 1).
The alert system for the County buildings is in need of an update. Seems we need to move from the smoke signal era into the 21st Century. This will make it easier to notify the ones what need notifyin in case the fertilizer hits the fan.
We also approved seal coating the parking lot at the jail, painting of the Courtrooms at the Courthouse and refinishing the floors in the Courtrooms. That way, you will have a nice place to park while visiting the folks in jail and a nice place to sit while listening to their case being decided.
Commissioners Court also approved the Preliminary Plat for the Sand Hurst Subdivision that is going in just north of the weigh station on IH 35 South. Whether we like it or not, our area is growing and we (City and County) need to make sure that the development is quality and not quantity because our area definitely has a housing shortage.
Need to congratulate our Devine Golf Team on their State Tournament appearance. They are playing now and the results won’t be known until after press time. Hope they at least get in the medals. Quite an accomplishment for these young guns.
Dang…..depleted, busted up, short-handed Spurs got eliminated but put up a good fight in 3 of the 4 games. Coach Mike Barrera kept me up on the ways to correct the mistakes and Pop’s philosophy during the games so, gotta wait till next year’s season to continue my education in the finer points of Basketball. The main rule is play hard and score more points than your opponent and you’ll win every time. Ain’t never seen anyone try hard as Pete Rose who oughta be in the Hall of Fame. Only 215 days til Christmas….