Think it acted like winter there for a couple of days..guess Mother Nature was just playin. We got the culvert replaced at CR 5710 and CR 7610 (Colonial Pkwy) without any major problems. Now we just gotta wait until the backfill settles enough to pave over the area. Will be gearing up to re-pave CR 664 soon..just hold on a little longer Esther….
Several questions on the SH 173 project have been asked (ad nauseum) concerning a completion date and have they finished and how far are they going towards IH 35. I spoke with the foreman a couple weeks ago and was told that the company had a planned delay in our project while they finished up a project in Tilden. From what I am told, they will resume work around the first of February. There is a seal coat layer and an asphalt layer on top of it which is still pending. As far as the stopping point…SH132 (Teel Dr.) is the finish line for this project.
Manuel Rodriguez, JW Petrash and Maria Sanchez were re-appointed to the Medina County ESD #5 Board as they agreed to serve another term.
Further discussions were had concerning a possible Solar Farm in Pct. 3 and the positive financial impact on Medina County and the D’Hanis ISD. Not a lotta details to share on this yet but, things are looking good for all involved…
We have seen the first draft of drawings for the Courthouse Annex and it also comes with possible options…build a third floor on the projected building design and leave it unfinished for future expansion or purchase more property which could accommodate more buildings. Nothing decided yet. Financially, the County is enjoying healthy growth and is very strong in the reserve funds column. Meeting with the Sheriff later this week to discuss Jail expansion plans.
Got an answer from Sen. Flores office the other day that has bugged me for a while. I asked how much of the Texas Lottery proceeds were dedicated to Education. I was told that of the 28 billion budgeted for education in Texas, 1.3 billion comes from Lottery proceeds. Wonder how much is dedicated to administering the Lottery? Maybe someone else will explore this in more detail.
Government shutdown….when will the career politicians in DC come to the realization that Trump won the election and get back to their jobs? Instead of posturing and peacocking (no offense Joe) and back biting and counter tantrums, get back to work and pay the folks that are doing their jobs the correct way. Term limits and no pay for them during shut downs has been discussed and even presented but, no one will agree to term limits and they all millionaires so, what would missing a few paychecks do to them? End of rant but I could go on and on and on.
Happy Birthday Murdock..sorry I missed the party. Tax time is upon us again and everybody is getting to visit with Melissa Lutz and staff, AGAIN, to pay the rent on stuff they think they own. Soon as we recover from that, we welcome the opportunity to pay Federal rent so that the career politicians can extend their stay in DC.