Got rain out around the Black Creek metroplex ….bout 2.7 inches total. Don’t have an official snow measurement but, it was enough to be pretty but not enough to cancel school. Came up to bout Cullen Whitney’s knees. Still round 5 inches behind last year’s rain total. There will be more snow on December 23rd…
Just a lotta replatting of lots to increase their size, contract approvals and reappointments on last week’s mornings Agenda. I believe we set a record for the shortest Commissioners Court meeting since I been in office…20 minutes.
Found out this morning at Commissioners Court that financially, Medina County has near $200,000 more cash on hand than last year. Guess you can applaud the Department Heads for monitoring their budgets and holding expenses to a minimum.
Pct 2 is going to get the parking lot paved at the Annex in Castroville so folks with disabilities can get into and out of the Hospital annex without any trouble. And this is being done $30,000 under the original budgeted amount of $65,000.
With the development that will come in conjunction with the Hwy 211 project north of Castroville, our tax base will definitely increase and allow Commissioners Court to revisit the tax rate in the near future. Of course, adding to the Jail ain’t free and workshops on this issue (among others) will begin in January. Hopefully, and I am for this, the tax rate will decrease or, at worst, remain the same.
The recent rains and cold weather have caused us to concentrate on work that needs to be done in the shop. We are still taking care of picking up dead animals, collecting lost or stolen trash and getting it back to its rightful owners so call us if there is something that needs our attention.
The new Christmas tree is up and is a nice addition to the four corners area. Thank the Devine Chamber of Commerce and Phillip Fitch for this. After 33 years of putting up the frame, travelling to the Medina Lake area for cedar branches and recruiting volunteers to help, it’s nice to have an attraction that you can put in place and plug in for the same effect.
Was driving by the High School the other day and noticed that someone had sullied the façade (how’s that Brenda) with a bit of offensive graffiti. I do believe that THAT word was placed there intentionally because it’s secured with lag bolts. What’s this world coming to?
Twelve more days till Christmas Murdock…266 Willie.