Been an unusually early Spring and looks to be a hot Summer. Our work has begun a little earlier than usual but, we are gonna get through our first paving job before we start mowing the roadways. Maybe we will get a little rain before we mow. We will start on the last section of CR7711 in a couple of weeks.
We are still having problems with folks placing their dumpsters in the County right-of-way and will continue to address them a few at a time. I have mailed a few more letters out to those not in compliance and have not seen any results yet for those who got letters. After I send a Certified Letter and there is no effort to comply, I will move the dumpsters in violation to our yard or the Company who owns the dumpsters will pick them up. Fix it now, or I’ll fix it later.
We created a Grants Manager position for the purpose of managing the 10 grants that we currently have and to search for others that would benefit Medina County. The position will be posted on the website and be in the local papers this week. Currently, the grants are managed by several departments and placing them all in one pot will free up some of these departments to better serve the citizenry.
Due to the sale of the old County building across from the Hospice Thrift Store and the Food Pantry moving to another location, we are refunding a pro-rated portion of the $240 per year rent that Medina County charged the Food Pantry.
Still no word from AACOG on the e-waste effort but, we are equipped to take the items whenever we are given the green light.
Lost another of the Greatest Generation last week. Manuel Rodriguez, Sr went to receive his rewards and will be sorely missed. Manuel was a true public servant and most of this was done behind the scenes without recognition or fanfare. There is not enough room here to mention his accomplishments and the affect he had on our community. My condolences to the Rodriguez family.
Got a lot of positive input about the blue reflectors out on the County roads, marking fire hydrants. Now if we could just get folks to be on the lookout for vehicles loaded with tires out on the County roads. Got a report of a pile of tires out on CR 777 that mysteriously appeared Friday night/Saturday morning. (Sorry, no count, goat rustlin bottom feeders)
Still bout an inch and a half behind last years rain totals so, pray for rain. I’ve discovered that when its time to make a decision, make it and live with the results. It’ll be right, or a learning experience.