Zero rain in Black Creek this past coupla weeks. Bout 7.7 inches less than last year at this time but, you know its coming. Just don’t know when or how much so, pray like you mean it..don’t cost nothin and it don’t hurt. The Burn Ban has been lifted until further notice but, I gotta keep this out there and in the paper so someone can keep Ron Outlaw up to date.
The County has opted out of United Health Care and has gone to Blue Cross Blue Shield through the Texas Association of Counties (TAC) due to it being simpler and more predictable as far as projecting rates goes. Our insurance has gotten ridiculously expensive but, necessary none the less. At least with TAC, they are aware of the struggles associated with County governments across the State and are an asset in this way.
We (Commissioners Court) also approved combining lots up around Medina Lake to make them bigger, not smaller. I think that this (lot size) can contribute to the type of construction that takes place in Medina County. Larger homesites tend to draw serious minded folks wanting to build out in the country (quality) and not the type of subdivision that allows owners to shake hands while standing with their back to their respective houses (quantity).
On the same note, was notified by the Honorable Mayor Bill Herring that the proposed subdivision planned for the area behind the football field has fallen through. This was going to be of the “quantity” variety of construction consisting of small homes on small lots. At last count, 145 of them.
We also approved Medina County’s annual Grant to Texans Feeding Texans through the Home Delivered Meal Program in the amount of $50,000.
Pct 4 is in the Fall mode of operation and we are concentrating on trimming the right-of-ways, removing dead or dying trees and shredding. If there is a problem area that concerns you, call the office at (830) 665-8015.
Devine Class of 1967 had their 50th Reunion coupla weeks ago and the scary part is that I remember them when they was in school…means we’re getting close to that number too. Getting cooler and folks are filling deer feeders for the annual mass execution of white tail deer that will start soon. Thanks to Elvira Garza for providing lunch and breakfast (menudo) to a couple of grateful County employees the other day (Albert said he made it). Only 53 more days till Christmas…..281 days till the other event..