Commissioners met with legal counsel in closed session on Monday, July 10, 2017 to discuss personnel matters involving County Clerk Lisa Wernette. Upon reconvening, the Commissioners voted to file suit to have Wernette removed from Office.
“The attorney is authorized to commence with the petition, pending another Executive Session on Thursday or Friday of this week with the county clerk,” stated County Judge Chris Schuchart.” He added they hope she will be available to talk to at this meeting.
According to Judge Chris Schuchart, Wernette is unable to perform her duties at this time due to ongoing health issues.
“She has been unable to work for several months.”
Chief Deputy Clerk Eva Maldonado has been running the office for months, according to Schuchart. Duties of the County Clerk’s office include being custodian of records for the Commissioner’s Court, recorder and custodian of important public records, including bonds, deeds, birth and death certificates, issuing marriage license and ensuring all of these records are maintained.
The County Clerk is an elected position. The position is not up for reelection until November of 2018.Wernette has been in office since 2007 with this current term being her third. If Wernette resigns or is removed, Commissioners would appoint someone to complete the remainder of the term. A new term of service for this office would not begin until January 2019
Burn Ban
High temperatures and dry conditions have resulted in the county-wide outdoor burn ban reinstated.
Senior Center
Commissioners granted $50,000 to the Medina Senior Center, Inc. for services to homebound persons in the County who are elderly and/or have a disability, pursuant to the Texas Department of Agriculture, Texans Feeding Texans: Home Deliver Meal Grant Program.
The money is in the budget for this grant funding.
Democratic Party Election Judges
The following persons were approved to be election judges for the Democratic Party for 2017 and 2018: (polling district follows names) John Fink 1A; Julie Love 1B; Bob Steinle 1C; Dan Westemeier 1D; Robbie Steinle 2A; Hilda Mendoza 2B; Sostenes Rocha 2C; Irene Dubberly Rodriguez 3A; Margie Juarez 3C; Denise Perkins 3C; Patsy Phillips 4A; Maria Sanchez 4C; Margaret Centilli 4B; Laura Gallagher 4C; Liz Cargile 4C; Juan Billalobos 4B; Connie Galan 2B; Shelly Estrada 2B; Carol Schoellman 1D; Esther Chavez 2C; Felipe Chavez 2C; Gloria Azar 1C; Joe Benedetti 1C.
A public hearing was hosted to discuss the placement of stop signs at the following locations in Pct. #1: County Road 264 and CR 260, County Road 2617 and CR 2612, and County Road 2612 and County Road 2616.
No one spoke at the public hearing. Commissioners approved placing signs at the above mentioned intersections.
An order reducing the speed limit on CR 274 was tabled until further information can be obtained. The speed limit was going to be posted and lowered to 20 mph. If lowered below 30 mph, a traffic survey of the area must be conducted. A public hearing was hosted prior to the Order being discussed. No one attended the hearing.
A motion authorizing action to advertise for a public hearing to reduce the speed limit on a portion of CR 422 was passed. The road is located in Precinct #3.
A final plat revision was approved for Laguna de Medina Section G of Holiday Villages subdivision located in Pct. #1. The revision was the addition of a cul-de-sac. All of the residents were notified by certified letter of the changes. There was no objection to the revision.
By Trina Williams