It was business as usual for Commissioners in the absence of Judge Chris Schuhart, during the regular County meeting on April 25, 2017. Commissioner David Lynch led the meeting in the position of Judge Pro-tem. Judge Schuchart will be out for the week.
Constable Pct. 4 Malcolm Watson’s Official Oath and Bond was approved. The amount of the bond was $1,500. Watson was appointed and sworn in on April 10, 2017. Commissioners appointed him after the resignation of TJ Richardson that was effective earlier this month.
Bidding Date
After some discussion about changing the bidding for the purchase of road materials, fuel and county (in different precincts) services not all Commissioners were agreement of the date set.
Commissioner Pct. #2 Larry Sittre wanted the date to be earlier, recommending mid-June. County Auditor suggested setting the date to August 1 to closer coincide with the fiscal budget date, which begins on October 1. All were agreement the closer to budget timing the dates for bids are set the easier.
Sittre wanted more flexibility and having the date closer to when he is planning his budget. But setting the effective date anytime before October 1 when the new budget begins will leave a void of which the items will not be under any contractual binds. If material is needed during this void, companies will not have to adhere to any bid amounts because the contract will be from a set date for a year.
In the end a motion was made by Commissioner Jerry Beck to set the bidding date on August 1, with the effective date to begin October 1. Commissioners will have the “numbers” for their budget and the contracts will still coincide with the fiscal year budget.
Commissioner Sittre voted against the motion. The motion passed anyway.
A second extension was granted for the preliminary plat of Oak Meadows Subdivison, Phase II. The surveyor had no idea what was holing up progress on the subdivision. This is the final extension that would be allowed by Commissioners. Any additional extension would require the developer to pay a fee. The subdivision is located in Pct. #4.
Inmate Telephone Service
After receiving and accepting five bids for inmate telephone service at the Jail, Sheriff Randy Brown asked the Commissioners to award to one company. Upon his recommendation NCIC Inmate Communications was chosen to be the provider of the service.
NCIC is located in Planview, Texas.
Land Gift
Due to a landowners property line ending in the middle of a county road, it is sometimes deeded to the County. The landowners get it off their tax bill and since the County is already in charge of its upkeep its legally in their possession.
This is the case with a 1.66 acre tract of land located in Pct. #3 and owned by Margie and Brannon Miley.
The land was conveyed by warranty deed.
Commissioners Lynch wasn’t sure if he would seek bids on the purchase of a dual tandem trailer, but he wanted to have permission is place just in case.
Sheriff Brown offered a trailer; the jail has in its possession, if Lynch wanted to use it. The trailer can only be used for County business. Lynch stated he would look at trailer and thanked Brown.