Been a good week. Been a bad week. Most of the family gathered for Thanksgiving and everyone ate too much. We lost a good man and there were some untimely illnesses but, gracias a Dios, we pulled through.
We were notified of an Agricultural Chemical Collection event to be held at the Medina County Fairgrounds on Saturday, December 2nd from 8 AM until noon. They will be collecting pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and all kinds of “cides” for proper disposal along with waste oil and hydraulic fluids. There are plans to hold an event like this for household items but, the date has not been determined. Supposedly, this will take place in each of the Precincts and not just the other side of the Creek. Soon as it is determined, the information will be distributed.
Commissioners also approved the purchase of much needed vehicles for the Sheriffs Office and should replace the “most used” ones in Randy’s’ fleet. Hopefully, with replacements being made on a yearly basis, the SO fleet will be equipped with dependable, mechanically sound vehicles.
We also approved an agreement with the GEO Group for the housing of Medina County inmates when our jail is full. Seems this is a regular occurrence and the solution boils down to the need for Jail expansion. This aint cheap and we will need to fund construction in the near future. Don’t know how long the extra space will suffice but, with what we have spent on out-of-County housing for inmates in the past, we could have built the addition needed and would still be looking for more. There aint no shortage of crooks. In my archaic opinion, we need to do away with the Jail Standards Commission and make jail a place where you don’t wanna go instead of a place to get medical attention and a bed and breakfast until the Lawyers get the inmates off because the criminals were the victims.
Commissioners Court appointed Jeff Howard to the ESD #2 Board and approved the Bond and Oath of our new County Auditor, Eduardo Lopez. Looking forward to working with Mr. Lopez. Poor Jeff has to deal with Peggy.
Phillip Fitch has come up with an idea to replace our Community Christmas tree with an artificial one that does not need to be constructed. So, instead of erecting the metal skeleton, covering it with chicken wire, gathering cedar limbs from the roadway up near Medina Lake and tying them to the chicken wire….we take the tree outta the box and plug in the lights…Merry Christmas.
Devine lost one of the good guys recently. Clay Crouch was well known and well liked. One of the nicest persons you would ever have the opportunity to meet. Loved kids, especially his nieces and nephews, and spent every possible minute on the sidelines, in the stands and helping out whenever possible at School events.
Got done with Thanksgiving and NOW is the time to decorate for Christmas…not the week before. Only 26 more days till Christmas…252 for Willie.