This Saturday, July 1, Carnivore kicks off its seventh season on the Pursuit channel. “It’s hard to believe that it has been seven years since the idea of airing a predator hunting show was brought to me by some of my buddies at Mossy Oak,” said host Gary Roberson. “Ever since that first season, Carnivore has been one of the most watched shows in outdoor television. My goal was to produce a cinematic, classy outdoor show for the whole family and with the help of Brian Hawkins, Steve Roberson, and our great sponsors, I feel that we have accomplished that mission.”.
The Pursuit channel is the largest of all the networks specializing in outdoor programming, going to over 40 million households. Pursuit is offered to all DirecTV and Dish TV customers at no additional charge. This season, Pursuit will be broadcast in high definition to all DirecTV subscribers.
Air times remain unchanged for 2017, 11:30 PM Fridays, 12:30 PM Saturday and 6:00PM on Sundays. If you wish to view some of the older episodes of Carnivore, you can do so by googling and clicking on Carnivore, 24/7.
We are so proud of our great sponsors that make the airing of Carnivore possible. Ruger, our title sponsor, Hornady, Walls Hunting Apparel, Trijicon, Mossy Oak, Elusive Wildlife Technologies, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas, Swagger Bipods, and Burnham Brothers.
“I hope that you will tune in as we travel across the country hunting the animals that also hunt!” Roberson said. “Please like us on Facebook at CarnivoreTV.”