The October meeting of the Devine Garden Club will be held on Thursday, October 25 at 3:00 pm in the Garcia Home located at 1565 CR 6712, Lytle, Texas. Hostesses for this meeting will be Miriam Garcia and Susan Wisenbaker. Special guest Dr. Calvin Finch, Horticulturist, will present the program. Good to Grow will be information on preparing for our annual Fall Fest Plant Sale, November 3.
September Report
The September meeting of the Devine Garden Club was held in the Crouch home with hostesses Carol Crouch and Mary Howard. All members and guests enjoyed a lovely Autumn Picnic Style refreshment table. The program was Garden Therapy led by President Sandra Stacy. Under old business, it was reported that the executive committee had voted to honor two of our long time members, Mary Howard and Wanda Gardner with Lifetime Memberships to the District VII, Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. These certificates will be presented at our next meeting. New business consisted of the presentation of the club’s new yearbook by members Miriam Garcia, Dorothy Saunders, and Elaine Lowthorp. Sandra Stacy and Miriam Garcia were responsible for the yearbook’s production. Members were asked to sign-up for participation in Devine’s National Night Out. The members who volunteered were Sondra Rackley, Susan Wisenbaker, Dorothy Saunders, and Sandra Stacy. At the close of the meeting, members enjoyed sharing and exchanging the plants they brought.
In the Garden
Fall Seasonal Stars are: Feather Grass, Mexican Bush Sage, Fall Aster, Shrimp Plant, and Autumn Sage.
Happy Gardening!