
Grandpa and Grandma were babysitting Saturday, so I had a free morning to relax. So what did I do? When I found a good deal at the flea market, I got the wild idea to replace all of our dressers. I completely underestimated how much work it would be to move out the old ones and clean the spot where they had been and bring the new ones in, and then my favorite part, re-folding all of the clothes to put into the new dresser. Long story short, it was an exhausting definitely-not-relaxing full day project.
In fact, I was still in my bedroom cleaning that evening when I began hearing what sounded like my oven timer, except exponentially louder. I can burn food with the best of em. So I’ve been known to go on about my day without even noticing the oven timer, but this time it was extra loud and a little funny sounding so I went to the kitchen to investigate.
When I walked in the kitchen/living room area I found my son just happily playing with his legos on the floor and imitating the oven alarm as loud as he could…beep….beep….beep.
I can remember it vividly, and I can’t stop smiling. I bet every time I hear the oven timer go off, I will think of that day. Tucky is so comical. He didn’t think for a second to let me know the oven was going off; he was just enjoying the sound of it I guess and singing its praises.
Oh well, I guess either way, he saved supper.