Band Boosters meeting April 10

On Tuesday, April 10 the Devine Band Boosters will be holding their monthly meeting at 6:30 pm in the band hall. During this meeting, nominations for the 2018-19 Band Booster Officers will be taken. There are several offices that need filling. Anyone who has a student in ANY band, DMS or DHS, is eligible to be an officer. A brief description of each office is as follows: President: serves as a liaison between the Band Director and boosters. The president secures chaperones as needed; 1st Vice President: assists the President as needed and helps in the concession stand; 2nd Vice President: is responsible for the concession stands; Treasurer: is responsible for any and all monies received on behalf of the organization; sees that all funds are deposited in a timely manner, maintains an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures and submits a financial report at each meeting and as required by the District; Secretary: responsible for keeping minutes and records of all meetings of the Devine Band Boosters; Reporter: responsible for reporting the activities of the band program to local media; also keeps parents informed of all band activities.
Membership: coordinates annual membership drive of individual and business members and receives additional applications during the balance of the year for membership.
We encourage all band parents to attend this month’s meeting and consider running for an office. Devine Band Boosters supports not only the high school band program but the middle school as well, so we invite middle school parents to come and explore all we have to offer.