Arabian volleyball hits the hardwoodTryouts/Two-a-Days set for August 5

Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer
By Monday, August 5 it will have been 273 days since Head Coach Leigh Anne McIver and her Arabian team last took the court for a meaningful volleyball contest. Devine took on Corpus Christi Calallen November 7 in the third round of the Class 4A State Playoffs, but unfortunately for McIver and her squad, they took a heartbreaking 5-set loss that date almost nine months ago.
The wonderful thing about high school sports is that the sun always comes up the next morning, giving new teams and new seasons a chance to conquer any remaining demons from previous experiences and begin anew.
McIver and her terrific coaching staff welcome back several returners from the 2023 squad and are ready to integrate new blood into what they all believe will be an outstanding 2024 campaign.

Aug5-Aug10 Schedule
Monday, Aug5 9:00am-12:00pm Weights/Conditioning/Skill Work; 2:00pm-4:00pm DSAC Tuesday, Aug6 9:00am-12:00pm Weights/Conditioning/Skill Work; 2:00pm-4:00pm DSAC (Teams Announced); 6:30pm Volleyball Parent Meeting in DSAC Wednesday Aug7 9:00am-12:00pm Weights/Conditioning/Skill Work; 2:00pm-4:00pm DSAC; TBA Athletic Parent Meeting; Thursday Aug8 4:00pm-7:00pm DSAC/Weights Friday, Aug9 Scrimmage at Navarro HS (Serve time-TBA) Saturday, Aug10 9:30am-10:30am Freshmen vs JV Intersquad Scrimmage; 11:00am Alumni vs Varsity Scrimmage.
Key Information
Coach McIver stressed that all student-athletes interested in trying out must be present on August 5. Those showing up bright and early to start camp should wear a Devine t-shirt along with maroon or black shorts or spandex. Proper court-wear shoes are also a must.
What should go without saying is a completed physical should be on file with the athletic office by August 2 at the latest.