Answering Bible Questions with Bible Answers

Question: What is the significance of Palm Sunday?

Answer: According to the Bible, Palm Sunday is significant because it marked Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem; where He would soon be crucified. Palm Sunday is always observed the Sunday before Easter Sunday. Jesus came to Jerusalem a week before He was to die. The week is called Passover. It’s called that because it’s a celebration of when the “destroyer” passed over God’s people’s houses in Egypt when they put the blood of an unblemished lamb upon their door posts. Exodus 12. The blood pointed to Jesus being the perfect unblemished lamb and His blood that would be shed many years later to take away all our sins, so that we could be saved from God’s judgment of sin. John 1:29. That’s what was about to happen when Jesus entered Jerusalem, which is what we reflect upon on Palm Sunday. We read about Palm Sunday in three of the four Gospels. Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record the events surrounding Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. One such account is in Mark 11:1-10. It’s called palm Sunday because the Israelites placed palm leaves upon the roadway as Jesus entered upon the donkey as a way to honor Him. Jesus entered on a donkey to show His humility. The Israelite people thought Jesus would enter in a very bold and powerful manner, but they were wrong. They thought Jesus had come to defeat their physical enemies and set them free from Roman rule. But that’s not why Jesus came, at least not the first time. He came to defeat sin and to make a way for people to be saved from their sins. Philippians 2:6-11. If you’ve never had your sins forgiven by putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, don’t wait, ask Jesus to come into your life and to forgive you of your sins today. Acts 10:43. Romans 10:9-10. He’s only a prayer away. Romans 10:13.