Unless you have pulled a Ryp Van Winkle of some sort, you probably noticed it has been hot and dry for a good spell lately. The water well levels, both private and public, have been dropping like crazy and water rationing; either self-imposed or mandated is the norm right now.
We still have a few potted plants out in the back yard. Some are pots of herbs The Boss Lady uses those in cooking, and some are …. I don’t know what they are.
My job is to keep them a little bit watered given they bear the brunt of some western sun exposure in the afternoon. Like the rest of our yard, they have had their fair share of pale green to yellow wilting leaves some days this summer.
While outside doing my watering routine, I noticed that in spite of looking just a little bit like “death warmed over” one of the plants had produced a vividly colored flower. It was a testimony to its resilience and sacrifice in this time of stress to somehow manage to do its intended function rather than conserve internal resources. Driving through Landa Park early this morning I noticed one of the “Park Does” standing there with her big healthy fawn, born in about early June, I suspect. The baby, that was still trying to nurse, looked nearly as big as Mom and was in far better physical condition. Momma Doe looked pretty ragged, much like that plant in our back yard.
Those two observations rattled around in this old Aggie Brain until a small light bulb turned on. Likely not “on” for long or with a great illumination, but what I saw became clearer and made sense to me.
Both these living things made a great sacrifice to produce something brighter and healthier by an offering of self on behalf of another. They gave of themselves in order that an important part of who they were could flourish.
Now I don’t know if that pot plant will make it through the summer, or if that doe will survive the winter. But I do know one thing for sure. Both placed themselves into a serious “strain” so that something could develop, and Lord willing, thrive because of their willingness to do what Nature intended, no matter the outside conditions or internal challenges.
Seems to me that may be a good reminder for us all.