Hello all, I reviewed the numbers and would you believe we only had 33 calls for service this past week? That is about ½ of the volume from the prior week. Officers did issue out a few more citations though with 40 charges being filed with our municipal court, 17 of those were for speeding. Officers made two arrests this past week. The first was a result of domestic violence; a female was cited & released for simple assault after she struck her common law husband. The second arrest occurred at H.E.B. Plus. Officers responded to a FCPO (cop lingo for a Full Cart Push Out, I just made that up). A female had a fully loaded cart of items and just headed out of the store, loss prevention was on her heels and fortunately Ofc. David Lopez was in the immediate area. She was captured in the parking lot. Her attempted take amounted to 55 items valued at $342. 67. It looked like she went to every department and made a selection, with an emphasis on alcoholic beverages and meat. Her husband and kids who were waiting for her went home empty handed and she went to jail.
Officers also made a couple trips to San Antonio on non-criminal transports. Sgt. Montgomery transported a homeless female that wandered into town to the Salvation Army Women’s Shelter. Ofc. Petrash transported a male to University Hospital on a peace officer’s emergency mental health detention.
We had three property crimes reported this past week. In one instance a complainant reported a liquid substance was thrown on her vehicle at the US Post Office. She claims it is a result of her confronting another customer about the use of a disabled placard. A resident of Main St. reported that a set of 4 – 17” Ford F150 alloy rims were taken from his yard. They had been sitting in his yard for about a month with a “for sale” sign on them. Perhaps one of our crooks misread it to say “for steal.” The final report was from the folks at the Jalisco restaurant on IH-35, an unknown person has been filling up their dumpster with trash.
I had a busy time around the house last weekend, my wife’s family held their annual Christmas gathering at our home this year. There were 45 people in all, what a crowd. I was sad to see everyone leave and I had a great time. I wish we could host them every month (My wife occasionally reads this).
I wasn’t present for the Blue Santa event but I heard it went off well even though the weather didn’t cooperate. “Hats off” to the Chamber of Commerce and all they do!
Officers will be on high alert this year on Christmas Eve. The last thing I want is bad publicity from Santa getting mugged or having one of our locals burglarize his sleigh.